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+1 for the waiting list as well, pending availability. If not it's all good. I wont be able to pay anything til payday anyway (Friday).

Order picked up. Don't mind the mess work van
Now that there is going to be a bunch of mister in the work. If anyone has a spare diy 128mb sdram I wouldn't mind buying it off you. Do you save money doing the kit or should I just buy a pre-built?
Thanks. hopefully they will have some when I get ready for it. My arcade fund is a little low atm
This is unacceptable. I'm gonna send you extra 10$ because this was a hell of a deal you hooked everyone up with, and I hope everyone who you hooked up will do the same. Can't have your arcade fund low when you hooked everyone up with this!! 😀
I don't think my guy has that much. Maybe another 90 ish in Canada. There might be more with the other partners.
Can I get added to the waitlist if there's a 2nd batch? I'll keep my eyes peeled here. Thanks!
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