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I'm probably just shutting down orders indefinitely for everything because I can't deal with this operation anymore. It's destroying my mental well-being
^ that. I had hoped my post made it as explicitly clear as possible that it's kind of pointless to ask right now
Yep I get the break thing but in the same post you still state you have incoming containers.
Cabinets For Sale (Incoming Containers):

That's why I asked. It was just a question and I haven't been bugging you in the forum. Apologies.
Yep I get the break thing but in the same post you still state you have incoming containers.

That's why I asked. It was just a question and I haven't been bugging you in the forum. Apologies.
A single question if asked by enough people through enough avenues has the power to derail everything you’re trying to do.
Army of a million people all at once: “it was only one question!”
^ this. I have a tendency to react quite vocally, I'm working on it, but yes, this is pretty much why I get that way. Honestly, my next stop is to just never offer certain things again, but I'm not an asshole enough to do that.

I'm really, REALLY burned out. My next update, whenever I get to that, will probably address that, but I gotta ship around 5 more containers before I can be really caught up and not have that pressure on me
As one of the many of us who hope you can continue running a top-flight business without having a nervous breakdown, do whatever it takes to lighten your burden, man.

Delegate. Stop checking all messages. Take a 2-week Caribbean vacation. Whatever helps.

We appreciate the service you provide for this community but nothing's worth your mental and physical health.
Take a 2-week Caribbean vacation
I normally turn people away from telling me to take breaks but.......this actually sounds pretty good LOL. I'll be taking my annual business trip to Japan this year since it's almost certainly going to finish opening up, and I have family in Hawaii. It'll probably all happen. Thank you
Definitely interested in the G-BALANCE. If you could update me on that, I'd appreciate it. Photos, if possible too.

No rush.
Shoot me a PM, I'll make a note on my spreadsheet to get back to you on it closer to time. I'm about to go into 3 more containers and 2 conventions over the next two weeks, so I'm using borrowed time to catch up until then and already have 6 or so customers basically on a week-long hold
I want to thank everyone for their patience the last 3 weeks. I've been slammed; one week with an insanely stressful convention + 2 concurrent containers, a second week with another con, and 3 weeks of putting buyers on hold even just to PAY for cabs.

I will be spending the next 1-2 days at my desk starting the catch-up process from that and processing tons of deskwork I couldn't until now, a few days at the warehouse going over cabs for people, and back to desk, probably for a few weeks. I'll get back to everyone in that period. If you are waiting on me, you are welcome to reach out as well; no guarantee any particular time I'll be available, but at least it'll help put some memory onto my notes to take care of things.

Sometime in the next few weeks I should be able to update listings. I think mainly a lot of Noirs and Vewlixes going up for market. Some low-end/junk Vewlixes, a few DIA Orange/Black, small assortment. I haven't had time to sort anything really. Next month's containers are already mapped, so I think most product won't be shipping out of Japan until July, arriving until August.
Just another notification since I'm still processing through things. A LOT of people have been getting leniencies on timeframes for making payments. It's starting to affect my ability to operate. I am going to honor all agreements thus far, but I have to start being a hardass on that again. Costs are outrageous, I can't really keep it up if half a container goes unpaid until the week after it ships. It leaves too much room for people to cancel on me and leave me even more fucked at the end of the day, which has already happened this week on VERY high-ticket items.


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