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Games with Issues


Staff member
Jun 12, 2015
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UPDATE 6th Dec 2018

I've created this thread for people to post issues ONLY related to problems with games and ORIGINAL VERSIONS ONLY, no bootlegs.

See below list of current games with problems. If you have a problem with any games, it's either an issue with the microSD or the setup.

From 200 carts sent, only these errrors below are confirmed to be a multiMVS problem. Make sure you have the latest version from the menu and firmware from here: Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

#1 Fatal Fury 2 protection is not emulated yet. Use patched version for now.
#2 KOF98 protection is not emulated yet. Use patched version for now.
#3 Rest of issues have been solved. Please make sure that you update to latest MENU and Firmware:
Here are a few games I found recurring issues with:
New Turf Masters - the “best score” screen has garbled text.
Ganryu - enabling red blood in the unibios cheet menu causes the game to go bonkers and requires a reboot to work again this can also affect games in other slots. Also the audio clips and switching slots (up+start) away and back also causes it to go bonkers.
@tom5151 you have seen these problems only on KOF98? no other games?
I've got the green screen with wjammers just 1 time. But it was after a "non reboot" story, so I think the game was not correctly flashed.

As said I've tried 5 or 6 games and it looks like kof98 is for the right moment is the only game I can not play.
I've tried cyber lip for 2 hours ans it was perfect :thumbsup:


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I just tested kof98 on my setup and it did eventually get the green unibios screen after booting and letting it sit a while. “Exception error handling” illegal instruction, address 00160014.

Update- after a soft reset now the characters go off screen also.
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Viewpoint - High Score displays incorrectly during play, and the initial text on the “enter your initials” screen is garbled.

I’ll edit this post if I notice more.
Viewpoint - High Score displays incorrectly during play, and the initial text on the “enter your initials” screen is garbled.

I’ll edit this post if I notice more.
I believe it was @twistedsymphony who also had this issue.

Tested it on mine and it's fine when you enter your initials. Perhaps like some other issues it's motherboard specific somehow?
Omega CMVS (MV1C) (3.3 Unibios) :
Lot of games works but few have glitches or get a Unibios error screen.

- Neo Bomberman = Unibios Error Screen on High Scores
- Fatal Fury Special = Missing Sprites
- Baseball Stars 2 = Glitchs only on Sound, the rest is perfect

- Viewpoint = perfect
- Windjammers = seems ok to me
- Dunk Dream = perfect
- Magician Lord = perfect
- Neo turf master = perfect
- Metal Slug 3 = perfect
- Breakers Revenge = perfect

My system is in good condition and i have lot of original and they works.
So it comes from the flashcard side.

I will test more games soon.
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Neo Bomberman = Unibios Error Screen on High Scores
Could you test clearing the NVRAM for this title after this game has been loaded onto the cart?
The other game I tested with the same issue was Shock Troopers, for some games this seems to work.
Thanks for your answer.

I will try this tonight and i will post the result :).

Best Regards.

I have just tried Garou Mark of the Wolves, and I have a problem with buttons, I don't know why but I only get kick buttons, and one of them jumps at the same time.

Note that I am using UD-USB adapters and USB stick.

It seems to work ok with Metal Slug 5, Garou works ok with 120 in 1 cartridge.

I wonder if I missed something in the settings.

I have just tried Garou Mark of the Wolves, and I have a problem with buttons, I don't know why but I only get kick buttons, and one of them jumps at the same time.

Note that I am using UD-USB adapters and USB stick.

It seems to work ok with Metal Slug 5, Garou works ok with 120 in 1 cartridge.

I wonder if I missed something in the settings.
Many people have played that game, including myself without those issues that you mention. Must be something in the USB setup or in the UD-USB settings.
Note that I am using UD-USB adapters and USB stick.
Yea it must be an issue with the adapter, supergun or USB stick.
I played Garou the most while using the beta cart, after firmware update #1/menu update #2 I reported it as perfect and still consider this to be true.
That's odd I tried almost every setting, this behaviour is only related to Garou, all the KOF games play well with correct buttons
That's odd I tried almost every setting
Could you do some process of elimination to determine the cause?
Do you have a DB15 "supergun wired" stick to try playing without the USB adapter/stick?
What supergun are you using? How does it treat JAMMA button 4, is it connected to the edge and bridged to a CPS2 style kicks header?
Yes you are right, I tried on my Omega and my arcade cabinet everything works, so it's related to the Supergun not the UD-USB and not the cart. However what is strange is that only Garou has this problem, and not the bootleg in the 120 in 1 cart.

I remember I had to rewire the supergun to make it work with the UD-USB correctly with CPS2, Undamned explained to me the issue is specific with this Smallcab supergun, so I cut some traces and did some modifications.

It was a while ago, so I have to find what is messing here.

EDIT : yes the supergun is connected to cps2 kick header, and my stick is a ps360+ connected with usb to the UD-USB adapters, so I can remap keys in various combinations in theory, but I couldn't sort this problem for this game.

It's a probably a problem of different layouts

Pin UD-USB: Smallcab:

02. K3 [NONE]
03. Select E
04. D/K1 D
05. B/P2 B
06. Right Right
07. Down Down
08. +5V +5V
09. [NONE] F
10. K2 Select
11. Start Start
12. C/P3 C
13. A/P1 A
14. Left Left
15. Up Up

I will dig into this but I think it's out of this topic
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