I know this is an old thread but wanted to update some of the info here based on my own research. A Gunforce rom board can not (easily) be converted to Gunforce 2 because GF2 uses memory banking. Major Title 2, Ninja Baseball Bat Man and Dream Soccer '94 also use memory banking. The memory banked games uses two pairs of 4MBit roms for the CPU and which 2MBit portion of the second pair is visible to the CPU can be changed by code at runtime.
R-Type Leo, In The Hunt, Hook, Mystic Riders, Blade Master and Undercover Cops do not use memory banking. They have a pair of 4MBit roms and a pair of 2MBit roms for the CPU. Gunforce is unique because it is the only game that uses two pairs of 2MBit roms. The board
does have the address lines necessary to address 4MBit roms, however the logic that does the ROM chip select is not configured for it. In order to support the 4MBit roms used by these other games you need to replace the M92_B-7H- PAL IC on the rom board with the M92_B-7H-D (which can be found here:
https://wiki.pldarchive.co.uk/index.php?title=Major_Title_2_(M92), other versions of this logic will work two but this one is the most versatile). That will enable the full addressing of the 4MBit roms.
Superior Soliders might also be supported, but it has a lot of character rom data, so I am not as confident.