nice work @jassin000, got some before/after pics?
I like them…Does anybody know where I can get the files to 3D print a cover enclosure for the MWP-606 power supply? Something like this maybe?
or this
You and me both lol, can you share the video link ?I just saw SmokeMonster's video on Superguns vs Consolization again and I desperately need the HAS Supergun ....
I am glad I discovered this community.
Here : 25:17 . Cheers !You and me both lol, can you share the video link ?I just saw SmokeMonster's video on Superguns vs Consolization again and I desperately need the HAS Supergun ....
I am glad I discovered this community.
No before pic, but emulator levels of sharpness going on (aka more shots from my redux HAS->OSSC SCART cable) after.nice work @jassin000, got some before/after pics?
OSSC isn't a line doubler per say, it's a scan converter which is also a line doubler somewhat. A line doubler takes a 240p image and effectively just duplicates them to make a 480p image. This doesn't require any intricate math or anything crazy so it requires almost no buffer and has almost no latency impact. A scan converter is a line doubler but it also is capable of attempting to convert to 720p as that is a direct integer conversion from 480p which mostly doesn't require a buffer either. The timing however isn't normalized so a lot of displays don't like the 720p signal as it is not 60hz.hey @jassin000 a noob question for you, I have been doing some reserach on OSSC and Framemeister. A lot of people refer to "Framemeister" as an upscalar vs line doubler for OSSC. Does this mean that with "Framemeister" the image becomes softer as it is displayed on HDTV ?
Also OSSC in comparison with Xrgb Mini is a lagless device and this is most important IMOOSSC isn't a line doubler per say, it's a scan converter which is also a line doubler somewhat. A line doubler takes a 240p image and effectively just duplicates them to make a 480p image. This doesn't require any intricate math or anything crazy so it requires almost no buffer and has almost no latency impact. A scan converter is a line doubler but it also is capable of attempting to convert to 720p as that is a direct integer conversion from 480p which mostly doesn't require a buffer either. The timing however isn't normalized so a lot of displays don't like the 720p signal as it is not 60hz.hey @jassin000 a noob question for you, I have been doing some reserach on OSSC and Framemeister. A lot of people refer to "Framemeister" as an upscalar vs line doubler for OSSC. Does this mean that with "Framemeister" the image becomes softer as it is displayed on HDTV ?
Framemeister or XRGB-Mini is an upscaler where it takes a 240p, 480i or 480p input and can use integrated ics to do a smoother conversion to hd resolutions as 1080p doesn't have a common denominator like 480/720p. It's also much, much easier to use in comparison to OSSC however there are a ton of profiles made now for OSSC which isn't as big of an issue now.
You’re right, but linedoubler is commonly used (or misused if you prefer) for OSSC in order to differentiate it from a full upscaler like XRGB.OSSC isn't a line doubler per say, it's a scan converter which is also a line doubler somewhat.
I actually mailed away for this thing and I’m pretty sure I have it in one of my old boxes of comics that I haven’t even opened and looked at in 15 years.No before pic, but emulator levels of sharpness going on (aka more shots from my redux HAS->OSSC SCART cable) after. Haha remember that lame comic offer on the attract screen?nice work @jassin000, got some before/after pics?
Yup I've got the reprints...
If you have a printer capable of dual side printing and saddle stapling, all you need are these files.
MK1 Comic
MK2 Comic
FYI the backside page is upside-down and page mirrored, so it will print/assemble correctly on dual sided machines.
Me too!I've got the original comic for 1 and 2 and the CD from 2.
Yup nailed it!Essentially XRGB=full framebuffer, it digitizes and memorizes an entire screen so that it can process the image (scale, zoom, adjusting framerate, whatever) as you want, obviously adding lag.
Right, and it is for this reason I only recommending adding the DVDO if you simply can't get your monitor to display without it and changing monitors isn't an option.And to add at least for clarification sake - if your display does not like the 720p signal coming from OSSC and end up using a video processor such as the DVDO iScan there will be latency introduced