So a bit of background, I bought an Irem M84 hammerin’ harry 2 layer board.
The previous owner was trying to convert it to R-type. So When I got it, it had an R-type rom on it. The owner did not know where the original Hammerin’ Harry rom was. So, I erased all the EEPROM and burnt Hammerin’ Harry rom back on it. However, it did not work. Here is what I get in the video. My question is, what am I doing wrong? Here is an image of the top and bottom board and each file I burnt and their locations.
Update: after finding the M84 correct rom I think a member pointed to me that on the CPU. the original board was using a different EEPROM compared to what I had on the board and advice me to double the data if I were keeping my 27C1001 on the board. which I did. so here are the result of my last test. the files needed to be doubled are at location 9b and 8b on the bottom board I believe there are part of the CPU program
1- the game is still not working
2- with the doubled files I get this image
3 with the same files but not doubled
I don't know what to do now. help
The previous owner was trying to convert it to R-type. So When I got it, it had an R-type rom on it. The owner did not know where the original Hammerin’ Harry rom was. So, I erased all the EEPROM and burnt Hammerin’ Harry rom back on it. However, it did not work. Here is what I get in the video. My question is, what am I doing wrong? Here is an image of the top and bottom board and each file I burnt and their locations.
Update: after finding the M84 correct rom I think a member pointed to me that on the CPU. the original board was using a different EEPROM compared to what I had on the board and advice me to double the data if I were keeping my 27C1001 on the board. which I did. so here are the result of my last test. the files needed to be doubled are at location 9b and 8b on the bottom board I believe there are part of the CPU program
1- the game is still not working
2- with the doubled files I get this image
3 with the same files but not doubled
I don't know what to do now. help
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