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Looking for Super Street Fighter IV Japanese Vewlix Title Panel Art


Jun 9, 2023
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Hi there,

I am trying to restore my Vewlix C back to its original Japanese arcade look.
I already found files of the SSF4 art for the marquee, speaker move list and cp strips with the help of the wayback machine , but I am missing the title strip (area below the marquee above the top speaker strip).

Any pointers/help would be greatly appreciated!
I have a similar ongoing project and will post more here later on, but wanted to respond as soon as I saw this. I'm nearly certain you won't find any good scans of the Vewlix originals (other than the movestrip) anywhere online and they are basically never available on YAJ. You can buy the SD cab versions (which are different), but I have not seen the original speaker-level stickers for a Vewlix available anywhere for nearly two years.

Just to be certain, you're looking for true-vanilla, SFIV Vewlix C art, correct? The title says you are looking for Super art (circa 2010), which is much easier to track down. Truly stock aesthetics are definitely mid-July 2008 SFIV, even before Akuma, Gen, etc. joined the roster.
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Just to be certain, you're looking for true-vanilla, SFIV Vewlix C art, correct? The title says you are looking for Super art (circa 2010), which is much easier to track down.
Searching for the vanilla SF4 art in vain (couldn't find decent files) I came across the original Japanese art for Super Street Fighter 4 on the Capcom server via wayback machine.
Since I got the marquee art, speaker and control panel move strips already covered, I am now going for the 2010 SSF4 Vewlix C appearance.
There I am missing the title panel art 😥
That makes sense. I agree the search for vanilla stuff online is in vain, I'll post about the status of my own project to assemble two full sets (with OG card readers, etc.) for a stock linked cab setup in a separate post to not clutter your own search.

I'll also take a look through all the files I've uncovered (and purchased) during my own search to see if I have a good copy of the SSF4 top speaker panel artwork.
Ah, sorry. Just saw you're actually only missing the top Vewlix panel art...not the top-speaker-level art. My mistake. That one comes up for sale on occasion on YAJ.
Ah, sorry. Just saw you're actually only missing the top Vewlix panel art...not the top-speaker-level art. My mistake. That one comes up for sale on occasion on YAJ.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever even seen the art you're looking for @marwien. Are you certain that Super had header artwork? 2012's Arcade Edition may have and Ultra definitely did--the 2014 Ultra version is the one that you can find occasionally on YAJ. But I don't think I've seen any cab with Super artwork having anything that covers the gray Vewlix plexi header.

The reference photos I have on my phone (from a special event Capcom held with Daigo at the release of Super) show only the marquee, movestrip, and the below and above monitor artwork between the speakers.

I may be wrong and would happily take a look at any photo you may have of the missing artwork.
I am also not sure about the Vewlix panel art.
The mini replica cab doesn't have it.
Photos from inside Japanese arcades show a mixed picture:
some seem to have Vewlix panel art while other just have the blank transparent plexi plate.
Maybe some arcades put some unofficial custom made art there?
Yes, I agree it seems that any Plexi-header art in connection with Super (and, later, AE) may not have been official. All in all, that seems like good news for you because that means you already have the full set of stock Super arts for your cab. Definitely nice that Capcom made those pdfs available on their website back in the day...too bad they only made the true vanilla movestrip similarly available.

Relatedly, if anyone has high-quality images, scans, or original above- and below-monitor arts for SFIV (i.e., 2008 vintage, non-Super, non-AE, non-Ultra), would love to see them. Seems like I may not be the only one that wants to return the cabs to original stock aesthetics. Frustrating that they are so difficult to track down.