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Jan 7, 2021
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Looking to play a MiSTer on my new Mini Cute repro for CPS and CPS 2 games. Curious if I were to throw in an LCD screen in the Cute, would I still need the MiSTercade Jamma extender or can I get away with not having that because it's a more modern screen running off the MiSTer? I'm also curious about controls. Thoughts!?!

Also - as a Capcom fan, what are the chances we see the ZN games able to run on FPGA? Thanks!
I've heard people had success with a Jpac. You could also wire up some Brook or McCthulu boards for controls.
There is no reason to use a Mistercade for your proposed setup, you're not actually building a jamma machine, your Cute is a fancy monitor stand with built in controls. But you'll still need to get your controls to the Mister, so you'll need to wire them up to a USB control board. There are a ton of options out there, any USB board should work in theory, Amazon is full of $10 "zero delay" encoders.

This is all assuming you never want to run real boards in your cabinet of course.
My preference was the CRT but that hit a snag. So now I'm trying to come up with alternative options.
My preference was the CRT but that hit a snag. So now I'm trying to come up with alternative options.

I think Aurich's comments are pretty much spot on.

The question is how much do you value running real boards and having a CRT and an authentic experience. It's gonna be way easier to toss in an LCD and run a VGA cable to the MiSTeR and run some zero delay encoders or a brook universal board if you want to be spendy. You won't need the MiSTeRcade or the new irken labs jamma edge.
My preference is the CRT/MiSTercade/Irken Jamma route. Would I like to own a board? Sure. Do I see value in buying one CPS board for 300 bucks when I can spend a bit more and have access to a ton of Capcom games through the MiSTer? Not exactly. My goal would be to go CRT to a MiSTer with the MiSTercade board. That goal hit a speed bump so I was spitballing options that might utilize an LCD screen. My preference hasn't changed. But acquiring a CRT and getting it to me is also going to be demonstrably harder than going the LCD route.
You live near a major metro area with a thriving retro scene, I'm sure there's a CRT out there with your name on it if you want it badly enough. :)

It's your cab, do whatever makes you happy, nobody is judging you. Put an LCD in it. It's just that if you don't want to run real boards there's no point in going through the time and expense of creating a jamma cab. Mistercade etc are for running in cabs that don't have other options, it's a very convoluted way to play games on an LCD screen.