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MS2930->MS2931 swap wiring check


Apr 24, 2023
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Chippenham, UK
I've just swapped a non-working MS2930 for the MS2931 I bought through Yahoo Japan a while back. At first I assumed the 2930 power/RGB wiring wasn't compatible but a closer look suggested it was, so I hooked it up and gave it a try. Nothing - but then I noticed that the fuse on the board had blown, presumably before it reached me. (Which is ominous but whatever.)

Take a look at this wiring and tell me if you think it's okay. Notice that only one RGB cable is going in from the AMP UP (because that's all there was) and there's a second connector for the AC side that doesn't go anywhere. I don't have a remote board connector yet so I'm not sure if that's a factor, and there's no cable for the degauss switch. Really I just wanted to test the board to see if it did anything at all, but figure it's worth running this by you lot in the time it takes for the 1A fuses to arrive.

Take a look at this wiring and tell me if you think it's okay.

Looks OK.

Notice that only one RGB cable is going in from the AMP UP (because that's all there was)

That's fine. White connector is for low impedance video ("VGA"), red is one for high (jamma video)

there's a second connector for the AC side that doesn't go anywhere.

That's for the degauss switch. There's a smaller 2-pin header right next to the AC input, that's where you should be plugging it into, but you need the correct connector. However, you don't necessarily need it, because you can degauss with the remote.

Also, fuses very rarely blow without reason.
Yes, the fuse thing has certainly lowered my expectations. I went into the whole Yahoo Japan thing as a one-and-done experiment and won't be too sore if it's a bust. There's also a small chance that the non-working 2930 I'm taking out (which came with the tube) still has a working flyback, so that's another option to try. My bigger concern is that the MS2931's well-documented issues take out my spare tube.

It's just the one 1A fuse that's gone btw, which lives between the flyback and deflection, rather than the fuse that's next to the AC.
That's for the MS2930. You can break the chassis if you don't have the remote connected.

With the 31 it doesn't matter if you have the remote plugged in or not.