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Nov 28, 2021
Reaction score
Morris County, NJ
Hey guys.

Well... I started getting barrel distortion on my monitor. I take it there is no pot adjustment for that on the chassis? I keep reading that monitor is most likely on its waybout.. anyone experience that on thers?
There is a pot on the chassis, called V Lin or vertical linearity (or named similar) that might help you out, it is on the far right end of the row of pots on the chassis.
There is a pot on the chassis, called V Lin or vertical linearity (or named similar) that might help you out, it is on the far right end of the row of pots on the chassis.
Thank you brother. I'll look into it.
If you have barrel distortion on the sides of the screen then you have to set the pincuscion pot, you will find two trimmer on the main board one for standard res "spc15" (Side pincushion 15khz standard res) and "spc24" (Side pincushion 24hz high res) .
If the spc 15 not correct properly , most likely you have to replace Q508 : 2SD1944 and if you have still not done, recap this chassis.
If you have barrel distortion on the sides of the screen then you have to set the pincuscion pot, you will find two trimmer on the main board one for standard res "spc15" (Side pincushion 15khz standard res) and "spc24" (Side pincushion 24hz high res) .
If the spc 15 not correct properly , most likely you have to replace Q508 : 2SD1944 and if you have still not done, recap this chassis.
Thank you both.

got it working perfectly now.