All this stuff is great!!
I have 2 Noir HD cabs (Blue variant) I am only getting sound out of one of them. I am trying to troubleshoot connections, wiring and PCBs, but I cannot find anything different in the wiring and hooking up of connectors when putting the cases side by side. They are both connected to the same PC with the RCA connectors in the cab hooked up to the PC audio. One cab works flawlessly with the volume knob on the settings board under the coin slot hatch in front. However I cannot for the life of me get any audio from the other cab, which is hooked up the same way.
Would it be possible with your expertise to maybe get some pics on exactly which wires are for the sound, and how they should be wired and connected to the PCBs on a working cab? I might be missing something.
If I'm not missing something and there is indeed something broken in the silent cab, how would I go about bypassing the cab's amp, to test its speakers with another amp just to see that the actual speakers are working? I saw someone else asking about bypassing the original amp, and you said it was possible. Which wires would i need to re-route and how?
This is driving me nuts...
I feel so incompetent for not being able to solve it... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: when I disconnect or connect the marked connector in the picture, the speakers make a similar "popping" sound like when you connect an audio cable to a speaker... if that makes sense... like... a sound happens, but still no sound from the RCA audio source...
Many many thanks in advance!
All the best