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Aug 17, 2015
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Cincinnati, OH

I picked up this NOS D9400 (still has plastic on screen) and I can't get a picture to display.
This is what I know:
-Green LED stays on
-nice neck glow
-degauss clicks twice and there is plenty of static
-fuse is good

I've only tried the VGA input, using XRGB2+, Naomi, Dreamcast.
I don't have the right harness for CGA (need to put a WTB thread up). I don’t even see the “no signal in” display nor the OSD when I use the remote board.

I also tried it with the degauss unplugged didn't make a difference.

Turn up the screen pot on the flyback, see if you get a visible raster on screen.
You know...I looked that over last night and noticed the "epoxy" wasn't on that pot anymore but it didn't click...will try when I get home!
Those have a CGA/VGA breakout board on the back, make sure the input cable is connected to the correct port corresponding to your output (in your case top right connector marked VGA)

i found this image posted on another site:
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Do you get the "no signal" text on the screen?

Those have a CGA/VGA breakout board on the back, make sure the input cable is connected to the correct port corresponding to your output (in your case top right connector marked VGA)
^I don’t even see the “no signal in” display nor the OSD when I use the remote board.


There are ribbon cables coming out of the P801A and P704, I've unplugged and plugged them back in. Maybe I need to follow them down and make sure they are connected.
I have my VGA going into P802 and I need the connector for the P801

Maybe I need to verify the jumpers on P003 too?
Turn up the screen pot on the flyback, see if you get a visible raster on screen.
Those have a CGA/VGA breakout board on the back, make sure the input cable is connected to the correct port corresponding to your output (in your case top right connector marked VGA)

i found this image posted on another site:
@nem turned the the pot all the way either direction and no difference in brightness nor did I see the raster lines.

@Metal Slug I undid the CGA like the picture shows and it didn’t do anything.

I think my WG 25” monitor has the same CGA connector end I might try that input tomorrow.
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Someone smarter than me…the jumper settings on the input board should have one on the bottom, skip, jumper, skip, jumper & skip? What would happen if they were not in that order?

diagram is on the bottom link…
It's not a video input issue if you can't get a raster to show up.

Neck glow means you have heater voltage, but it doesn't mean the guns are firing. Do you feel static on the face of the monitor?

Check that the two wires from the flyback are solid on the neck board.
It's not a video input issue if you can't get a raster to show up.

Neck glow means you have heater voltage, but it doesn't mean the guns are firing. Do you feel static on the face of the monitor?

Check that the two wires from the flyback are solid on the neck board.
@nem there is plenty of static on the tube, pushed the power and ground wire from the fly back in and no change…
Weird. Maybe it is a video input issue after all.

Out of interest, what's the manufacture date for one of these?
Cross your fingers but I think I might be onto something about the input...or at least it seems to be a $12 part and if it doesn't work, I've spend more on worse things before. So the other night I was looking the monitor over and decided to take the input board off because I wanted to check the jumpers. While looking over the board I noticed it looked a bit different than what is in the schematic drawing I remember looking at before.


If you notice on the "right" side there seems to be 3 IC and a socket (P004)...on my input board I am missing the bottom IC (74LS221) & the P004, even though QC put their sticker on it!


So...I went searching online for a picture to compare and maybe that 3 IC is just for the 33" monitors? I find an Ebay listing from Chad over at Arcadecup for an input board for a D9400!

His picture has all 3 chips and the P004, I'm going to order one and hopefully this fixes the issue otherwise I'm going to send my chassis to Chad and have him look it over?

Looking at the chip's data sheet, it seems to be some kind of trigger?
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Well…got the new input board and nothing changed. I guess I’ll be sending this off to Chad…
Unfortunately NOS doesn't mean working. Even things fresh from the factory can have a defect. After 15 years in storage some parts can have drifted or died, often due to humidity.
Or maybe you're lucky and it's just something really simple like a connector not plugged where it should or a jumper to be moved.

Wooo, what a relief!
Chad said it needed a new neck board, a new IC somewhere, re-capped part of the chassis and reflowed a bunch of points but it’s working now!

I just grabbed my trusty ghetto supergun and a vga Pandora’s Box pcb I had laying around for a functionality test.

After installing the chassis there was a long pause (or so it felt) before the degauss kicked on and I was a little panicked that I hooked something up wrong.

The OSD adjustments seem pretty cool.

Now I gotta figure out what I’m gonna do with this.
1) make a little enclosure and use with my superguns and xrgb2+…
2) make some kind of cabinet with a rotate mech. If I go this route it might be for Naomi & TTX2 stuff…

Glad it was just the chassis and it was satisfying to pull the protective plastic off the glass…gotta love NOS!
We’re gonna need some glory shots of a non-trashy emulation scaled image 😉