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Oct 1, 2015
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West Virginia
While the port may not be finished it's good enough to show it's possible.
Starts with the version on ST and switches over to Cyberbots version

My script as seen in the video. https://github.com/jedpossum/MameLuaEngine/blob/master/STqsound.lua
The format on CPS2 games are similar to one another but how the data loaded to ram did change. So this script only really works on the earlier cps2 games.

The format for an instrument load for a voice.
08 - Tell to change instrument
IS - Which instrument to use
PT - Pitch of the instrument
OT - Octave of the instrument

My notes on it. https://github.com/jedpossum/NotesandBitsofCode/blob/master/Qsound Song Port notes.txt

Pretty much was a copy paste and then changing the instruments.
Man, that opens up the possibility of using the sound driver for making custom stuff, even new music! :D
That sounds incredible. It's a new arrange version. It sounds so very genuine.
That sounds incredible. It's a new arrange version. It sounds so very genuine.
I think it sounds so "genuine" because it had to be modified to use the existing instruments on the sample ROM for Vampire Savior.
That sounds incredible. It's a new arrange version. It sounds so very genuine.
The only thing changed was the instruments.

More notes.
Alpha/Zero 3's Song format added some things to make it incompatible with the old stuff, but looking at the code it still is using a lot of the old functions still so it didn't change that much.
Someone I knew had All About Zero 2 book. It had Sakura's Theme in sheet music which lead to a way to display the notes in songs instead of just a number.
when I get my computer fixed I was thinking cpzn songs.

Also I was messing with 3s. A lot of the drum parts are just pcm samples with two songs of the songs being just them.

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