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Retro Hardware Capacitors LISTS


Mar 1, 2016
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As requested from @Derick2k and @AlxUnderBase I'm going to publish here some of my capacitor list. I'll be glad if someone want to contribute just send me the list and I'll add the list (along with the credits), the more we have the better is 8) .
I usually add the Mouser item number when I add the capacitor to the cart and double check the lists when I perform the recap.
I have a lot of lists under revision or still written on papaer, I'll write down every update when I'll add something :)

I'm not responsable for any damage at your hardware while using this lists or performing a recap on your hardware, I suggest to always double check your capacitor board values before swapping them (sometimes even in the same PCB revision the manufacter uses slightly different values).

Fell free to report any error or add anything

Here's the capacitor list for TMNT:
  • C2 - 220uF 16V electrolytic
  • C3 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C4 - 10uF 16V electrolytic
  • C5 - 100uF 16V electrolytic
  • C6 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C7 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C8 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C9 - 470pF 50V ceramic
  • C10 - 10uF 16V electrolytic
  • C11 - 470pF 50V ceramic
  • C12 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C13 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C14 - 30pF 50V ceramic
  • C15 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C16 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C17 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C18 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C19 - 100uF 16V electrolytic
  • C20 - 1000uF 16V electrolytic
  • C21 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C22 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C23 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C66 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C67 - 1uF 16V electrolytic
  • C68 - 0.033uF polyester
  • C69 - 220pF 50V ceramic
  • C70 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C71 - 0.01uF 100V polyester
  • C72 - 100pF 50V ceramic
  • C73 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C74 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C75 - 220pF 50V ceramic
  • C76 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C77 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C78 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C79 - 100pF 50V ceramic
  • C81 - 0.033uF 100V polyester
  • C82 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C83 - 0.033uF 100V polyester
  • C84 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • X1 - 640 KHZA (resonator - Murata - part # CSB640J)
  • X2 - 640 KHZA (resonator - Murata - part # CSB640J)
In a table:
C4, C102Electrolytic10uF16V
C5, C192Electrolytic100uF16V
C6, C7, C8, C12
C13, C15, C18, C23
C66, C70, C73, C74
C76, C84
C72, C792Ceramic100pF50V
C69, C752Ceramic220pF50V
C9, C112Ceramic470pF50V
C22, C77, C78, C824Polyester0.022uF100V
C68, C81, C833Polyester0.033uF100V
C3, C16, C17, C214Polyester0.1uF100V
X1, X22Resonator640 KHZA
Here's the capacitor list for TMNT:
  • C2 - 220uF 16V electrolytic
  • C3 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C4 - 10uF 16V electrolytic
  • C5 - 100uF 16V electrolytic
  • C6 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C7 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C8 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C9 - 470pF 50V ceramic
  • C10 - 10uF 16V electrolytic
  • C11 - 470pF 50V ceramic
  • C12 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C13 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C14 - 30pF 50V ceramic
  • C15 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C16 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C17 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C18 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C19 - 100uF 16V electrolytic
  • C20 - 1000uF 16V electrolytic
  • C21 - 0.1uF 100V polyester
  • C22 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C23 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C66 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C67 - 1uF 16V electrolytic
  • C68 - 0.033uF polyester
  • C69 - 220pF 50V ceramic
  • C70 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C71 - 0.01uF 100V polyester
  • C72 - 100pF 50V ceramic
  • C73 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C74 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C75 - 220pF 50V ceramic
  • C76 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • C77 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C78 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C79 - 100pF 50V ceramic
  • C81 - 0.033uF 100V polyester
  • C82 - 0.022uF 100V polyester
  • C83 - 0.033uF 100V polyester
  • C84 - 4.7uF 16V tantalum
  • X1 - 640 KHZA (resonator - Murata - part # CSB640J)
  • X2 - 640 KHZA (resonator - Murata - part # CSB640J)
In a table:
C4, C102Electrolytic10uF16V
C5, C192Electrolytic100uF16V
C6, C7, C8, C12C13, C15, C18, C23C66, C70, C73, C74
C76, C84
C72, C792Ceramic100pF50V
C69, C752Ceramic220pF50V
C9, C112Ceramic470pF50V
C22, C77, C78, C824Polyester0.022uF100V
C68, C81, C833Polyester0.033uF100V
C3, C16, C17, C214Polyester0.1uF100V
X1, X22Resonator640 KHZA
I'll Add it to drive and post here when it's done! Thank you @Frank_fjs!
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This reminds me I still need to make a cap map for the Konami M2 boards
We have one thread for this sort of thing already.

Any chance between the two of you you can pick one and we stick to one master thread? Things get confusing when you have to check three threads to figure out where you found a piece of information.

Cap Kit Projects for Monitor Chassis/PSU's/PCB's
I don't mind to merge the other lists in this one or vice versa, for me it's easier to find what I need in a drive folder at one link with using the same style for every list rather than through a thread but it's only my opinion.
I'll keep tracking my capacitor lists on my folder for my personal use but if you want to share them in the other thread feel free to close this one and post everything in the other one.
Otherwise I can start to add the lists to my folder when I have some free time :)
I've added:

-System 11 (thanks to @PascalP and @SmokeMonster)
-System 12 (thanks to @PascalP and @SmokeMonster)

Next one will be CDZ since i need to recap mine too XD
very nice, in my topic with the System 11/12 stuff there are also images of the overview, perhaps you can add those as well?
You're absolutely right I had to do that but since I wrote the list on my lunch break I forgot that, I'll add it immediately, unfortunately some capacitor references are covered by the circles and i couldn't red them, i have a system 12 and I can probably add them but I haven't a system 11 yet

Photos added
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-SNK Neo-Geo CD (Top Loader)

please note that those are from my console and differ from the list on console5 (I've got more capacitor on my pcbs that the ones listed there)
Same revision for the Power av board NEO-CDA3-1, 1994.9.8 (2 cap more), different one for the main PCB NEO-CDM3-2 1994.9.8 (2 cap more and one less)
Here is a CPS2 A-board "capmap" if it is any help. I did two of these lately and 2nd one of those had most of the 10uf electrolytic caps replaced with ceramics, so be aware. This capmap only has electrolytic ones, so no ceramics. and don't mind the picture, it is out of scale and just to give some idea where they locate :D

5x 220uf 16v
31x 10uf 25v (the amount on later rev is much smaller)
3x 47uf 16v
2x 100uf 16v
2x 22uf 16v
4x 1uf 50v
1x 2.2uf 50v
1x 1000uf 25v
