would be nice to see these released publicly. while it's fine to receive some small reward for doing the initial hacking, there are FAR too many people profiting from the good work MAME has done. Being public allows people (who are capable) to fix their own boards without having to bend over and get shafted.
btw, I dumped almost all the S24 floppy-based games for MAME years ago. I can tell you for sure you can't write the MAME images to floppy, there is no program that supports the custom format and unfortunately they can't be converted, at least not with MAME or any program I know of. The program used to read the images was an old DOS program and it can't write them. The only way is to use some newer program with both read and write capability and make an image of the working floppy. I did some experiments about 2 years ago with several programs and found a program that can read and write and tested the images and they work on the real S24 PCB. Not all programs that can read strange floppy formats will work on S24 disks. I sent my findings and new writable images in to be added to MAME but they were ignored. Shortly after that I sold my only S24 board so the testing ended.
The bottom line is the images in MAME are useless to fix a real PCB even if you have a working FD1094. All the floppies need to be re-read from working floppies and written to some image format that can be written back to real floppies on a PC like I did 2 years ago.