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Aug 14, 2020
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Greetings, i bought a taito gnet and the sound fx is hyper low. I hear a coin sound toooo low o cranked up the por to max nothing happens

Please help
have you trieed stereo? also might wanna do a resistance test on the volume pot. could need a new one.
Generally speaking (I haven't worked on G-NET sound specifically), sound mixing is typically handled by a combination of DACs & OpAmps for each audio source, a mixer, and a final analog output amp for the mixed audio and capacitors.

Typically, a bad DAC / OpAmp would cause either no sound or crackling sound for that audio source (BGM or SFX). Since your SFX are functional and not crackling (just quiet), I'm inclined to blame the capacitors - they partially balance the levels that enter the mixer. If the final analog output amp was bad then you wouldn't get any sound out of the board at all.

Start with replacing the electrolytic caps and if that doesn't help move on to checking the DAC / OpAmps. On G-NET the sound generation and mixing is split between the Sony baseboard and the Taito secondary board.
I had a bloody roar zn1 boardset with no sound (fixed with reprogramming the eeproms on the romboard) Than low sfx/music. To fix this i replaced all of the smd caps on the rom board. Doing that will fix the issue :) let me know if this will fix it.
I had a bloody roar zn1 boardset with no sound (fixed with reprogramming the eeproms on the romboard) Than low sfx/music. To fix this i replaced all of the smd caps on the rom board. Doing that will fix the issue :) let me know if this will fix it.
I will Replace the smd caps on the Mother board. (near the pot audio). Gnet uses CF card btw
I had a bloody roar zn1 boardset with no sound (fixed with reprogramming the eeproms on the romboard) Than low sfx/music. To fix this i replaced all of the smd caps on the rom board. Doing that will fix the issue :) let me know if this will fix it.
I Replace the smd caps with another ones, sitll nothing. I talked with the ebay seller hope to arrange an agreement to return the item.
ohh i forgot the g-net sub board is just the cart! sorry about the confusion. if it was a capcom based board it would of been those caps on the rom board. they were near the sound eeproms. maybe on the g-net board it has to be somewhere near those roms on a g-net board if they occupied?