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Hirens Boot CD lets you into a WinXP environment to make edits to the installed OS on the TTX multi (www.hirensbootcd.org).
EWF is Enhanced Write Filter which needs to be disabled before you try to make underlying changes as the TTX2 WinOS is write protected and any changes you make are lost on next boot.
Win POS is Window XP Point of Sale which is a slim version of XP with all the required same (such as EWF) as the TTX2 WinOS.

My process (which again, I didn't manage to make work) was to run a fresh install of WinXP on the hardware setup I had. Have everything running driver wise, then use Hirens to make a copy of all the installed drivers and transfer that over to the TTX2 multi.
The other option was to take the fresh WinXP install and cop over the TTX2 multi files with a few edits...