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Aug 17, 2015
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Cincinnati, OH
Pins look ok, plastic socket is toast & the very top of the end of the tube is chipped. It’s still sealed. Would it be safe to use & where can I find a replacement socket?


How do you know it's still sealed?

You can pull of the end caps from donor tubes. It doesn't always work, often they will break when you try to remove them. I'm not sure if you can get them anywhere else?

3D printing one might be an option.
you dont need the plastic really, it's just a guide to make sure you put the socket on the right way around.
you can pull one from another tube, but finding a scap tube with a matching base these days is gonna be hard

btw, you can tell if the tube is still sealed, if air gets in the phosphor will start to come off the front glass. :(
but finding a scap tube with a matching base these days is gonna be hard

Slightly harder in the US, but stupid easy in Europe. 9/10 (or more) of the TVs I have cracked open have that base (B10-277).
I noticed a little glass chip come off the very end a tube after removing a neckboard that looked kind of like this. The tube still works fine. I was just extra gentile when re-attaching the neckboard.
Someone from KLOV is sending me a couple 3D printed sockets!