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Vewlix C - PS4 Setup Questions


Jun 25, 2022
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Hey folks,

Recently got a Vewlix C + a 2 player panel (Thanks Cereth/alberto1225!) and was in the process of getting it up and running with a PS4 in there, but had some newbie questions/wanted to make sure I was getting the right things to put it together.

Thus far my intent is to use this for a PS4 to start, but will want to expand it out to include a MiSTer in the future. What I've got atm -

What I have:
  • 1x Vewlix C, stock monitor w/ DVI / VGA
  • PS4 Pro
  • HDMI to DVI adapter for PS4 -> Monitor
  • Audio Extractor Splitter
  • HDMI Splitter
  • HDMI Audio Extractor
  • Audio cable to go from Extractor to amp
  • Vewlix Extra Button Control Panel
What I am buying:
  • 2 Brook Universal Fighting Boards
  • buttons/joysticks
What I'm unclear on:
Anyone have a similar setup or advice? Also if there's anything big you think I'm missing, please lmk! Any and everything is greatly appreciated, thank you much!
You can go from controls -> brook -> PS4 if you just want to keep it simple. It's what I do with my mister. If going that route I recommend new wires so you don't cut up any looms that came with your cab.

The jamma adapter isn't needed, the vewlix by default is not a jamma cab. Someone does make a console io board which allows plugging in brooks into a more typical vewlix setup.

Oh and those brooks cables do work, but the wires are pretty short (they're designed for going inside a fight stick rather than a cab). Depending on how your cab is set up with the aux panel, you may find it a tight fit with those cables. I got longer wiring from Focus Attack.
theres full kits u can buy with the 20 pin harness. yup juust pluug the new harness u gget into the UFB and plug the UFB into the USB ports o the PS4 and boom instant gaming
I used USB to connect from the PS4 to the brooks and then used the 21 pin harness to connect to the buttons. Makes it easy to just pop it in and swap out a 360 if i need to
@city41 good call on the wiring, what I have now works but I ordered longer wiring and it should come in today.

General question for folks, I am having trouble getting any audio even with the HDMI splitter / audio extractor, but video is coming in fine. I currently have this splitter and this audio extractor, recommended in another thread:


When the splitter is in the PS4 and that's connected into the HDMI -> DVI cable, it's fine minus audio. When I add the extra hdmi -> audio splitter and plug that into the vewlix audio, I get no singal. any thoughts on what might be wrong?
Hey there @Lemony Vengeance / @muffman,

I saw you two gave some advice in a separate thread that was related to getting a Vewlix set up with a PS4, wanted to ping you both in this thread to see if you may have any thoughts on why my audio isn't coming through my Vewlix C despite using a splitter / adapter cable? (video is fine) Items used linked above if I can provide additional info please let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I would start by eliminating variables aka troubleshooting. Have you tested your audio extractor on something other than Vewlix to confirm it is working correctly? Like extract audio to a stereo, home theater, or speaker for testing purposes. Have you tested audio on Vewlix C using a different audio source? Like your phone or laptop playing music for example. Have you tested and made certain all cables are working correctly. I would be a little surprised if testing these three things didn't point to the issue so I would definetly start there if you have not already.
I would also say make sure HDMI audio extractor is capable of 4k, the last one i bought only capped me at 1080p.
I would start by eliminating variables aka troubleshooting. Have you tested your audio extractor on something other than Vewlix to confirm it is working correctly? Like extract audio to a stereo, home theater, or speaker for testing purposes. Have you tested audio on Vewlix C using a different audio source? Like your phone or laptop playing music for example. Have you tested and made certain all cables are working correctly. I would be a little surprised if testing these three things didn't point to the issue so I would definetly start there if you have not already.
Hey thanks for the advice - I trouble shot a few things and found.... a new issue ha. Tested the Audio on the C with my phone that worked, tested all cables separately on a different setup and that worked, but had to swap one HDMI it seemed to be faulty. The thing that's odd now is, video doesn't work, audio does. was wondering if that would be the audio extractor 4k thing that @bgwelistyl mentioned, but the product page for what I bought says it should be capable of 4k
It sounds like the audio extractor device is probably bad. I don't think it has anything to do with it's capabilities, just that it is defective. Keep playing with it though, try a third hdmi cable if you have access to one, also try the different audio modes on the extractor to see if that nets in any different results. If still nothing, amazon returns are quick and easy and I'd return it for another one to see if that solves it. Those cheap extractors and splitters are known to have not very good quality control.

Also check your ps4 settings, make certain its display properties are not set to automatic settings and the extractor is making the ps4 confused and auto switching to a weird default display or audio setting. Perhaps try hooking up to the vewlix c with the extractor but a different source like a PC or different console like a Nintendo Switch or old console you have laying around. The more data you have the more you can narrow down the culprit.
It sounds like the audio extractor device is probably bad. I don't think it has anything to do with it's capabilities, just that it is defective. Keep playing with it though, try a third hdmi cable if you have access to one, also try the different audio modes on the extractor to see if that nets in any different results. If still nothing, amazon returns are quick and easy and I'd return it for another one to see if that solves it. Those cheap extractors and splitters are known to have not very good quality control.

Also check your ps4 settings, make certain its display properties are not set to automatic settings and the extractor is making the ps4 confused and auto switching to a weird default display or audio setting. Perhaps try hooking up to the vewlix c with the extractor but a different source like a PC or different console like a Nintendo Switch or old console you have laying around. The more data you have the more you can narrow down the culprit.
Quick update - this was definetly the automatic settings on the PS4 display properties, so I swapped that down but then every time I tried to plug it back into the audio splitter, it defaulted back to automatic for... reasons. Like the setting didn't save. So with the picture not displaying but the audio playing, I swapped it off of automatic in the display settings blind while plugged into the extractor and it worked! Now just trying to figure out why it kept not saving the setting, and if I am forced to do this again when I power down the system ha. Either way, big progress. Thank you very much for your suggestions I really appreciate it!
Weird your PS4 is not saving the settings. Does putting the PS4 in rest/sleep mode instead of powering it off have any difference in saving the settings? Would be even more weird if it wasn't even holding the settings in sleep/rest mode.

Shot in the dark but is your setup, or you yourself, causing the extractor to turn on and off when waking/powering-on the PS4? I could see that causing issues as well if the extractor is "rebooting" every time your PS4 wakes/turns on.
Haven't tried the rest mode yet, giving that a shot + seeing if the extractor is rebooting every time the PS4 gets turned on, will report back w/ more info when able
late on this reply but seems like the settings are now saved, and things are holding steady with it. Got some games in with the gang on Saturday, and it ran like a top. Thanks again all, this is a ton of fun already!