What's new
Since my last message, I have made a new beta firmware that make the EDID eprom emulation a lot more compatible with most gpu, and that allows to load a 512 bytes binary EDID with up to 20 resolutions (most of 15khz superwide resolutions can be stored).
For now, this 512 bytes binary EDID must be generated with a third party tool like Custom Resolution Utility.
In the future I hope to allow to edit directly from my app.
Let me know if you want to try it.
Put me down for one for sure please!

If you had some way of importing the resolutions generated using vmmaker that would be a great option.

Most people are already familiar with the vmmaker tool and it is great at generating compatible (super) resolutions once you select the monitor model from the drop down e.g. select a hanterex mtc9110 and it gives a 15k list, select a wg9400 and it gives all between 15k - 48k range (quad sync).
Put me down for one for sure please!

If you had some way of importing the resolutions generated using vmmaker that would be a great option.

Most people are already familiar with the vmmaker tool and it is great at generating compatible (super) resolutions once you select the monitor model from the drop down e.g. select a hanterex mtc9110 and it gives a 15k list, select a wg9400 and it gives all between 15k - 48k range (quad sync).
For now I support modelines editing if you copy paste in a custom resolution block, but it is limited to 3 résolutions max.
I need to extend this to import a list of modeline from a text file.
Folks, is anyone else using this videoamp device? I think it's great for hooking any computer up to a CRT. Tiny little device plug in and go. No need to have dedicated PC with ATI card and emudriver. This works with any PC or laptop with any graphics card.


Even supports groovymame and switchres:



I'm only getting to grips with it the past week having had it boxed up for several months on the project pile, but already it can do funky things like import the custom modelines generated by calamity's vmmaker.
It great as-is but if it could some how support switchres' dynamic on the fly EDID generation in groovymame it would be hands down the ultimate solution for CRT emulation IMHO.
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This is something to be done within switchres library but I do not have the knowledge to do it yet.
I am planning to make a small console tool on Windows (no GUI) to download an EDID using the serial port, or perform a restart of the graphics adapter easily so that it can be scriptable.
On the hardware side, a more generic solution to restart the GPU whatever the OS would be is to add an analog switch IC to open/close the RGB+DDC signals, faking a unplug/plug event for the hardware. That cost a few €, and also make the mcu to loose 1 IO pin again, leaving only 3 IOs as spare keyboard inputs.
If you could get switchres dynamic EDID modes working, your videoamp device would be the best option out there. At is stands it's really excellent with 2560x240 60hz as that suits most games and systems.

Have you spoken with calamity about the possibility of full switchres integration?
He was involved in getting something similar working with the groovymister devs. I'm sure he would be interested in your VIDEOAMP device. After all, it would make ATI cards and emudriver defunct and possibly save him all the trouble of having to develop and maintain "emudriver" into the future.

Well done again on this njz3, it's a fantastic device. :thumbsup:
Yes, he was one of the first beta tester to get a board a year ago.
I sent him the communication protocol to control the board half a year ago, but unfortunatly he does not have time to add the support for the board.
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In the latest beta version, I added a command line tool for scripting that can be used to load dynamically the EDID and perform a restart of the GPU before starting an emulator for example.
For example, after generating a binary EDID "edidfile.bin" with switchres, you can use an elevated command prompt and launch "videoampcmd.exe -edid edidfile.bin -restart" to load the new edid.
To get the list of commands, type "videoampcmd.exe -h"
That's a big step forward on getting custom on-the-fly resolutions applied. Do you think this could be automatically integrated with groovymame?
I do not have enough knowledge to tell how difficult and if it is even possible to do.
The current way to restart the gpu is to disable/enable the gpu in the device manager through the SetupAPI interface of windows. That's very windows dependant.
This is such a cool project.

I have a 31khz only monitor and want to hook up a pc to it. Will this device protect the monitor by ensuring that a resolution no greater than 640x480 31khz will be displayed?