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I tried to translate from french (don't know a single word in French other than merci) and update quantities.

Since I'm not earning a single dime from this project, I ask you to cooperate to complete this.

1st step of cooperation can already be done, it's a double check of above list for errors

2nd step of cooperation is suggest sources for components, all over the world it's not important

3rd step of cooperation is suggest PCB printers to compare prices

If all of mentioned sources are located in Europe I can collect and prepare kits and send kits to you.
If located in USA someone there can maybe do it if cheaper!

In any case, I think that following rules could be reasonable:
- exact costs estimation (it means various shippings included)
- advance payment via paypal
- tracking number and wip sharing here.

Is ok for you all?
Here in Italy best sources for parts could be
- Mouser
- Farnell
- RS component

All three sources are international suppliers so I suppose that prices should be in-line.
I'll try to sort out total costs.

If anybody can help please let me know.
It sounds a little risky - what if the boards don't work, or one of the components is wrong?
I would build one for myself first before collecting any funds, and then add a little for your work, you've earned it. But enough negativity! :)

For PCB's in low volume, check out the pcbway in my sig.
For parts in low qty, aliexpress.com. It's slow, but you won't end up with shipping costing more than the parts.
I said since 1st post of this thread that I can just collect items, I don't have skills for a prototype and what I can ship is a DIY kit ofr that project, so that I cannot guarantee anything.
It's just like everyone will follow that tutorial by having all items needed shipped at once and those PCB professionally printed (I assume that for print quality we'll have warranty from printer itself).

Thanks for PCBway, I'll check it.
Since it seems that your electronic-fu is much better than mine, looking at gerber files posted in the tutorial you can identify dimensions of PCB and other relevant datas for costs estimation maybe?
Ok these are prices I've been able to estimate:
- 10 pistol board PCBs
- 20 diodes 1N4148 (2,99$ for 100 pcs)
- 20 polarized capacitors 10uF (2 $ for 20 pcs)
- 10 polarized capacitors 100nF (0,1uF) (5$ for 10 pcs)
- 10 polarized capacitors 10nF (0,01uF) 2 $ for 20 pcs)
- 10 oscillators HCMOS/TTL 25 Mhz Dip8 or DIP 14 (18$ for 12 pcs)
- 20 resistors 1/4 watts 2,2khom (2$ for 100 pcs)
- 10 resistors 1/4 watts 22kohm (2$ for 100 pcs)

- 8 programmed pics (15€ each - maybe less if aganyte accept some kind of quantity discount)
- 10 main board PCB
- 10 resistors 100ohm (2$ for 100pcs)
- 20 resistors 10ohm (2$ for 100pcs)
- 10 resistor 150ohm (2$ for 100pcs)
- 30 variable resistors 1 - 10ohm (13$ for 30 pcs)
- 20 capacitors 20pF (2$ for 50 pcs)
- 20 capacitoris 220uF (8$ for 50 pcs)
- 20 MCP41010 digital potentiometers (100$ for 20 pcs)
- 10 Narrow tulip support 28 legs
- 10 BC237B transistor (1$ for 20pcs)
- 10 Quartz 24 Mhz (3$ for 10 pcs)
- 10 LCD HD44780 (70$ for 10 pcs)
- 30 switches
- 10 microswitch
- 90 screable terminals pitch 5mm
- 30 pin header connectors 2.54 2 pins
- 10 pin header connectors 2.54 4 pins
- 10 pin header connectors 2.54 6 pins
- 10 pin header connectors 2.54 8 pins

- 10 PCBs
- 100 IR LEDs (40$ for 100 pcs)
- 10 resistors 10ohm (already aquired)
- 10 resistor 39ohm (1$ for 50)

I wasn't able to find some component on ebay to estimate costs, but after this first approach I *ESTIMATE* that component's costs (aganyte's chips included) should be less than 50 € shipping included.
Trying to add pcb's costs, my final estimation is that everyone could have its kit for somebetween 70 and 100 €.

If everyone confirm interest, I could go to my local supplier of components (no shipping + help to get right ones) with final list of components to get EXACT quote, but now we know that this game will be under 100 € to have it completed (shipping included).

Once we have exact quote I cannot buy components for everyone, that's something like 900$ I cannot pay in advance, so like invzim suggested everyone of us is accepting a little risk in this business.
Only thing I can guarantee is that I'll send everyone what needed, but since I'm not aganyte I can't guarantee anything else. Please remember I'm doing this not for money, just to have my own kit done.

Please confirm your interest so I'll have exact quantities needed.

Please allow me to repeat that if someone has better idea on how to do this / wants to lead this group buy I have absolutely not intention to oppose! It would be actually better if someone with electronics skills lead this! Much better than me!
Ok these are prices I've been able to estimate:
- 10 pistol board PCBs
- 20 diodes 1N4148 (2,99$ for 100 pcs)
- 20 polarized capacitors 10uF (2 $ for 20 pcs)
- 10 polarized capacitors 100nF (0,1uF) (5$ for 10 pcs)
- 10 polarized capacitors 10nF (0,01uF) 2 $ for 20 pcs)
- 10 oscillators HCMOS/TTL 25 Mhz Dip8 or DIP 14 (18$ for 12 pcs)
- 20 resistors 1/4 watts 2,2khom (2$ for 100 pcs)
- 10 resistors 1/4 watts 22kohm (2$ for 100 pcs)

- 8 programmed pics (15€ each - maybe less if aganyte accept some kind of quantity discount)
- 10 main board PCB
- 10 resistors 100ohm (2$ for 100pcs)
- 20 resistors 10ohm (2$ for 100pcs)
- 10 resistor 150ohm (2$ for 100pcs)
- 30 variable resistors 1 - 10ohm (13$ for 30 pcs)
- 20 capacitors 20pF (2$ for 50 pcs)
- 20 capacitoris 220uF (8$ for 50 pcs)
- 20 MCP41010 digital potentiometers (100$ for 20 pcs)
- 10 Narrow tulip support 28 legs
- 10 BC237B transistor (1$ for 20pcs)
- 10 Quartz 24 Mhz (3$ for 10 pcs)
- 10 LCD HD44780 (70$ for 10 pcs)
- 30 switches
- 10 microswitch
- 90 screable terminals pitch 5mm
- 30 pin header connectors 2.54 2 pins
- 10 pin header connectors 2.54 4 pins
- 10 pin header connectors 2.54 6 pins
- 10 pin header connectors 2.54 8 pins

- 10 PCBs
- 100 IR LEDs (40$ for 100 pcs)
- 10 resistors 10ohm (already aquired)
- 10 resistor 39ohm (1$ for 50)

I wasn't able to find some component on ebay to estimate costs, but after this first approach I *ESTIMATE* that component's costs (aganyte's chips included) should be less than 50 € shipping included.
Trying to add pcb's costs, my final estimation is that everyone could have its kit for somebetween 70 and 100 €.

If everyone confirm interest, I could go to my local supplier of components (no shipping + help to get right ones) with final list of components to get EXACT quote, but now we know that this game will be under 100 € to have it completed (shipping included).

Once we have exact quote I cannot buy components for everyone, that's something like 900$ I cannot pay in advance, so like invzim suggested everyone of us is accepting a little risk in this business.
Only thing I can guarantee is that I'll send everyone what needed, but since I'm not aganyte I can't guarantee anything else. Please remember I'm doing this not for money, just to have my own kit done.

Please confirm your interest so I'll have exact quantities needed.

Please allow me to repeat that if someone has better idea on how to do this / wants to lead this group buy I have absolutely not intention to oppose! It would be actually better if someone with electronics skills lead this! Much better than me!
Will the price be cheaper per unit if we have more people wanting a kit?
I think yes a little.
Some components are sold in minimal quantities much larger than our needs, but their cost is low.

Please note that what above is a raw estimation, just to have an idea of maximum cost.

Aganyte wants 15€ for each chip, than we'll have no less than 25 € for PCBs, and these are 99% accurate costs. Add no less than 30 € for components (LCDs and digital pots are not very cheap!). Add shipping... My 70 to 100 € estimation seems realistic to me.

If anyone has better ideas...
JKL x2
Darksoft x1
Fastar x1

Updated Total: 4 kits

Further interested please copy and update this list.
But much much more. I barely remember her. :) :) :D
With which I would have spent playing
And i suppose you too
JKL x2
Darksoft x1
Fastar x1
freddiefiasco x1
Mitsurugi-w x2

TOTAL 7x kits.

Sorry for delay, very busy at the job.

I asked my brother-in-law to open Gerber files for me, it seems that measures are:
Pistol board: 5,5 x 2,56 cm
Main G2N board: 10,1 x 7,47 cm
Aux board: 3,7 x 3,4 cm

I can now proceed to exact estimation of costs of pcb printing.

If others are interested, please jump in: time is running out.
Still interested !

JKL x2
Darksoft x1
Fastar x1
freddiefiasco x1
Mitsurugi-w x2
Gakman x2 (no PICs)
Please confirm your interest so I'll have exact quantities needed.

Please allow me to repeat that if someone has better idea on how to do this / wants to lead this group buy I have absolutely not intention to oppose! It would be actually better if someone with electronics skills lead this! Much better than me!
Nobody is dropped off, but I asked uh... 1 week ago to confirm interest once known that final price will be between 70 and 100 €.

If you're still in, we are happier.
Same obviously for SNK NEO-GEO.

I had to ask to my brother-in-law to tell me dimensions of pcb, since every pcb printer is charging according to dimensions. Dimensions were on Gerber files, and I barely know what Gerber files are.
Anyway I'm slowing progressing.

On MDsrl (http://www.mdsrl.it - printer here in Italy) they charge respectively 37,52 + 46,63 + 37,52 given those dimensions for 10 pieces. Plus usually 12€ for shipment. It means 13,37 € for each kit. 10 days to have them shipped.

On PCBway (http://www.pcbway.com - printers in China) they charge 10$ (not €!) + 30$ + 10$, and we have to add 25$ to have them shipped to me. It means little more than 7 € ofr each kit.

This leads me to think that final price will be around 80€ + shipment to you.
Obviously ordering on pcbway would be cheaper, but even the order mask is by far over my electronics skills. MDsrl is much more expensive, but they speak my same language so I can order by myself. Since difference is 6€ each, not so deadly, I think is a best bet to order here in Italy.

As said more than once, if someone has better idea / wants to order components / pcb and collect items I'll be more than happy to pass the ball.

By now we have confirmation for 9 units:
JKL x2
Darksoft x1
Fastar x1
freddiefiasco x1
Mitsurugi-w x2
Gakman x2 (no PICs)
werejag x1

SNK-NEO-GEO? Are you still in?

Stay tuned for further news to come.