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Nov 2, 2015
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after some research to play gun games on my 27" LCD I found this nice tutorial (http://www.gamoover.net/tuto/gun2naomi).
It's a project by a french guy with nickname Aganyte.

In short, it's explained how to assemble a wii mote sensor board on a gun, and use its technology to send proper messages to JVS I/O.
It requires some soldering & electronics skills, some common electronic material and the pics that user sells for € 20.

Since he offer on that site the schematics in Gerber format the PCB can be ordered and professionally printed.

Here in Italy I found this firm (http://www.mdsrl.it/mdpcborder/3.html) that ask some like € 72 for 10x boards (to be inserted into any optical gun) and some like € 200 for the main board (10x).

I'm thinking about it, but since most of the costs are for the single layout, and further copies are more economical, is there someone on this forum interested in this project?

I'm not interested in earning in any way from this (not my work! no credits to me!), my only interest would be in lowering per unit costs.

So I could order 10x boards, collect all of the listed materials, collect 10x pics (already contacted Aganyte for this) and send complete DIY kits with

- programmed pics

- professionally printed circuit boards (1x pistol board and 1x main board)

- all of the components

Anyone wants to jump in?



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Count me in.. I do not have a yellow Lin but that is something that I have been in the look out and on the wanted list for a while now:).. I am currently playing light gun games on the PS2.. I never look into those types of games but I seem to like them:)
Ok, let's see how many users are interested and real costs estimation... :)

BTW, if there is someone here that can print circuit boards and sort out electronics materials I'm more than happy to reverse perspective and order kit from him!
Are there any build out, ready to go kit for the Driving games, wheel and all that you know? Or a source?
How well does this actually work? When I first saw the video of the Gun 2 NAOMI setup last year I wasn't completely sold that the tracking was as going to be better than what a normal Wii Remote is capable of.

The problem with the normal Wii remote setup is that it uses bi-angulation rather than tri-angulation, which is fine if you're looking for a "relative" position pointing device, but for gun games to be properly sighted and register where you're pointing them you need 3 reference points for "absolute" positioning.

it wasn't clear if the GUN 2 NAOMI solved this problem, though their use of only 2 IR LEDs leads me to believe they haven't. (FWIW: it would be great if I'm wrong).
If you mean easiest way to interface controls to JVS I'm aware of:
- Mitsurugi's JVS Helper: ready2go interface that uses DB25 connectors for inputs to directly connect older joysticks / wheels, as well as any control device if properly connected, with jumpers to remap controls
- "Complete DIY systems": JVS cards pinouts are well known, so if you have soldering skills you can connect joysticks, buttons as well as potentiometer by yourself. This is what I did. A complete joystick build is not difficult. I have working Joy + 6 buttons + wheel with pedals all at once.

If you mean easiest way to interface controls to JVS
I don't care how "easy" it is to install, I care that if you look down the gun sight and pull the trigger it will register where the gun sight said it's going to hit. Then if you take a step back and to the left and do it again it will still hit where the site says it will without needing to recalibrate.

A normal Wii remote can't do that.
Mmmm I think that what twistedsymphony says is a system bug in that system.
I mean, if I correctly understood you have some adjusting capabilities on the interface itself, but that system can't have bi-univocal link between gun position and direction of aim.
I think that system is working well if you mimic behaviour of a positional gun, i.e. you keep the pointer (gun) always in the exact same position, and, from there, you point the screen. This way it will work I suppose.
But keep in mind that I'm pushing my brain to its limit writing this: I had to try to understand french / google translated french (almost the same), think trigonometry in italian, and then translate thoughts in english to write here.
100% CPU consuming task. :)
If you mean easiest way to interface controls to JVS
I don't care how "easy" it is to install, I care that if you look down the gun sight and pull the trigger it will register where the gun sight said it's going to hit. Then if you take a step back and to the left and do it again it will still hit where the site says it will without needing to recalibrate.
A normal Wii remote can't do that.
I was answering to SNK-NEO-GEO question...
if anyone wants me to solder up kits. im more than willing to do so. being out of work with so little money. i just want to do a few kits and receive one for myself.
I have interest only in lowering costs to professionally print PCB's.
I could be interested to purchase complete assembled kit if some user wants to do this.
I have nothing mine involved here, gerber files are provided in that tutorial and all of the infos are there.
Only thing I did is get in touch with the designer to have programmed pics.

So let's see how many we are, and then we can focus on best and most economical way to get it.

For now we could be:
- me (JKL)
- werejag
- Darksoft

This is already something: just for example individual pistol board cost goes from 33,72 € (minimun qty 2, so if I'm alone I have to print 2x anyway) to 11,50 €... (1/4 of the price for 4 units. Prices vary if you ask priority manufacturing or if you accept to wait 5 working days. These costs are for 5 working days) :)
I'll be curious to hear how this works out, as I would eventually like to come up with a similar solution. I am not, however, interested in buying into it at this time. Thank you for taking this on, though.

Check out pcbway.com to compare prices on PCB manufacturing. I don't know if you have to pay extensive taxes on items coming from China, but I used them in my custom JVS I/O project and found them to be very cheap and very quick to the US. @invzim uses them, too, and I believe is located in Europe.
Briefly looking at the schematics and pictures - you would still need a JVS io board for this, it's "simply" a replacement for the actual guns, which is probably hard enough in itself.
Yes, I already got it, in my first post I wrote that this assembly "send proper messages to JVS I/O". :)
Im interested if the issue of tracking/accuracy has been resolved like TwistedSymphony states.
- me (JKL)
- werejag
- Darksoft
- muckyfingers

Derick2k as far as I know only tracking "issue" is that once you calibrate set-up is working in that position, if you move you have to go back to the same position to have precise tracking.
This is what I got. On Wii this is not an issue because you have visibile crosshair.
There's no way this will work like conventional light guns, as in "aiming down the sights". It will be exactly like whatever light gun game on the Wii (which for the record, are still fun).