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Jul 23, 2015
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Coming soon. Rough outline (WIP):

picking a burner:
Best, low cost, programmer for most arcade hobbyists to have???

Finding code based on GFX/SND/CPU Region of the game you are working on:
[note to self, tutorial on 68k and memory regions/stack]

picking a chip based on file size, and pin numbers
[see chart below]

using MAME source to verify your repairs and work - UPDATE 2023:

Hardware specific guides / resources: CPS1, CPS2, F3, MVS, STV, NAOMI GD ROM, etc...


This is a compilation of many years of work, so expect revisions etc, and PLEASE be patient.
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For the future.

[rom doubling to save room and money / Saving money by ditching extra pins (using m27c160 as c400/c800]

[multiple versions on bank switch]

[CRC checking tutorial]
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cool, cause this used to be my eprom eraser



Cant wait to read what you write up. :thumbsup:
My method is as follows:
Put chip in socket.

Double check it's facing the right way.

Click "Check blank".

Double check it's facing the right way.

Click "Select file"

Select file you wish to burn.

Click "Choose device"

Choose device that matches the device in the socket.

Double check the chip is facing the right way.

Click "Program"

Could you guess I've put one in backwards before? :D
You might laugh or make jokes, but I really do intend this to be the "5 year old's guide to arcade service manuals" eventually.

It's still me, so, jokes away boys ;)
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im confused when you said...

For the future confused question here..

sorry lame joke
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Just reserving 2nd post dude. You sent me one of my 1st 0 keys, and one of the first to properly remove gateway timeout for NAOMI netboot.

Any PIC on a NAOMI which cannot run gigawing2 without gateway time out is as good as literally no PIC at all for that system. If you can't yank your PI without the NAOMI crashing, your 0key is defective. This is because all dumps are decrypted and for DES to work at all, your PIC must be properly compiled. Absence of a PIC is not a problem if you just use a pi and never turn off the gateway hack (on the NAOMI, anyway...)

You could literally ship out empty PIC16F628A with a retro pi, as long as it leaves "time limit hack looping"

I just changed the boot id to 1abc, even in the full absence of a compact flash drive, to help chihiro/triforce owners (on a whim... still not sure ;) ) as I have heard this may unlock certain menus which are useful to operators.
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My method is as follows:
Put chip in socket.

Double check it's facing the right way.

Click "Check blank".

Double check it's facing the right way.

Click "Select file"

Select file you wish to burn.

Click "Choose device"

Choose device that matches the device in the socket.

Double check the chip is facing the right way.

Click "Program"

Could you guess I've put one in backwards before? :D
Wait, you can do this without cursing after you put it in backwards? It never even occurred to me that I could skip that step and still be successful!
When you’re done I’m seriously gonna bookmark this. Your lock pick tutorial got me into my blasts, after all, so I’m mearly one of your pupils.
Here's something to get you started...
I made this for myself a while back but I find it super useful. I printed it out and have had it stuck to the wall next to my monitor for a couple of years now.

"on disk" is the size of the ROM file as it would be reported by windows
"in MAME" is the size of the ROM file as reported within MAME source

EPROMs within the same color group mean that you can double the ROM file and write it to the next size down the list.

obviously it's not comprehensive but it seems to cover 99% of the stuff I typically need to program.
Here's something to get you started...
I made this for myself a while back but I find it super useful. I printed it out and have had it stuck to the wall next to my monitor for a couple of years now.

"on disk" is the size of the ROM file as it would be reported by windows
"in MAME" is the size of the ROM file as reported within MAME source

EPROMs within the same color group mean that you can double the ROM file and write it to the next size down the list.

obviously it's not comprehensive but it seems to cover 99% of the stuff I typically need to program.
I use a similar one... rom doubling certainly saves a LOT of money if you need a lot of c400 / c800 especially. I often double or 4x up to a c160 to save time and money, extra pin(s) are un needed and / or useful for array of versions within your memory stack. The "idiots guide" to a switchable PROM is doubling it and SPDT on the highest address line, high/low (5v/gnd for the new kids)
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