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Multi Boyz 4 Lyfe
Multi Boyz
Mar 3, 2018
Reaction score
Australia - Adelaide
In preparation of the multi, I'd like to paint a green Japanese B shell that I have that is rather filthy. I've given it a thorough clean but it's still not the best. I have no idea what was spilled on it in a past life but whatever it is, it's quite bad and has discoloured the plastic to the point that even sanding it back with wet and dry doesn't remove the stains. Something harsh has obviously been spilled on top and leaked through the air vents and made a mess of everything, guessing some form of harsh chemical.

Anyhow reason for my post, I suck at painting and have never painted plastic and have no idea what I'm doing. After some tips and advice please, photos for inspiration would be welcomed too.
The crap on the underside, the whole top of the board was covered in it too. Very hard to remove, have been scrubbing and sanding and even ran it through the dishwasher.

About half way through cleaning, it came up alright compared to how it originally looked. Maybe with more cleaning and lots of polishing with a good plastic polish it may be salvageable.
I've seen worse on top, actually it looks very clean. Underside is wtf??

If it was me I'd leave the top as that looks very decent.

If you still want to paint then light even coats, if you get runs dont worry, let it dry and then get light grit sandpaper and wet sand it down until its smooth.
The top looked as bad as the bottom before I attacked it. That's why I thought it was a write off and painting would be the only option. But after lots of elbow grease it may be okay.
Well it turned out like new from the pics. At least the bottom is not showing so maybe put your effort elsewhere? Cough your supergun cough :D
I wouldn't bother painting it now that the top looks that good.

If you do paint, the "trick" is to sand the plastic so the paint has something to adhere to. Then lots of light coats with high grit sanding in between. Always finish with a clear coat!

Heres the CPS2 shell I did:
Painted CPS2 shell

and here's the MVS shell:
Custom Cart Color
Thanks! That's exactly the information I was after.

My shell looks okay but is still stained in spots.

Your post has tempted me to paint it, for that blemish free finish.
I think will look much nicer after i'll stick the CPS2 multi label who comes with the DS kit tommorow and i'll update my post after that ^^

Ps : In reality (after i've grab those painting cases) looks and feel when you touch them much much nicer :thumbsup:


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I'm thinking of doing the same because my Street Fighter Alpha 2 shell had the same problem. Those stains are from the suicide battery leak.
I have a pretty terrible B board that i got from an ebayer in mexico of all places really dirty and scratched badly with cracks in it. When i opened it up to install the darksoft multi someone had swapped the roms and done a game swap and in the process done the worst possible solder jumper change you could do (must of used a super hot iron as the solder blobs have actually indented the board).

So i decided i needed a nicer B board to put my darksoft kit into. I found that Japanese sellers generally sell really clean boards and cases (case was like brand new), and the cost wasn't bad either (about $150 AUD). So i use that now instead :). Filter ebay by tokyo sales :)

Not saying you shouldn't clean yours up, just sharing my experience :)
God damn that looks nice, with matching LCD case too. Nicely done!
God damn that looks nice, with matching LCD case too. Nicely done!
I tell him (the man who was painting the case to paint the lcd holder too with the same paint i've purchased for this ^^ ) and i'm very happy with the final result
looks incredible. Now I feel like I need to redo mine to one-up you, but I wont :p
Could advice me about what's kind paint I can use for shell?
I went on a paint shop and there that ladies sellers give me a paint catalogue and they tell me to grab a primer too, after i've chosed the color of the paint (200ml) and after that i went on that car painting who my childhood friend recommended to go for printing that case to let there materials i've got with me (paint 200ml , primer, b case + lcd case - if you can paint the A board volume buttons too - i forgot to do that). If you can , you can go on a car painting and you'll make it to look awesome. Hope it helps you :thumbup: