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Maybe we can crowdfund this purchase so that replicas can be made? Dropping over a grand on this is a pretty tall order for most people. Sure, there are whales here that can throw that kind of coin towards this, but it would be great to have someone get their hands on this for the purpose of creating a reproduction run of them for the community.
I have a spinner and I am currently working on repros. A lot of choices to make on these still, materials to use, etc...I’m also playing with the idea of making the assembly slightly shorter so that it can fit into candy cab CPs that don’t have the height clearance, etc. Also the trying to make the mounting plate as universal as possible. Like I said, options, that won’t take anything from the original design. Also thinking on maybe offering different color anodized knobs on these possibly, who knows. It will all come down to cost.
@Derick2k This is fantastic, I'm really looking forward to what you come up with. Also looking forward to not having to sell a kidney to pick these up...I hope... :P
Hard pass on that price.

I don’t care if this is rare af. $1500 for a set of controls is beyond mental.
Holy cow, this project is a dream I never even thought would come true. I’m definitely interested in a set or repro spinners, and would be willing to pay up front / crowdsource it if it makes production a reality.
the base is but it looks like someone swapped on incorrect knobs, and the way the new knobs are sized it looks like it would prevent the push function from working properly.
@glstar and @Derick2k I have a friend who is generous enough to lend some spinners for the cause as well, and they look like this.

I think you guys are good now, but want to double check as there a few types of knobs out there and maybe you can use one of the original ones below for an exact match.



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@[u]@glstar[/u] and @[u]@Derick2k[/u] I have a friend who is generous enough to lend some spinners for the cause as well, and they look like this.

I think you guys are good now, but want to double check as there a few types of knobs out there and maybe you can use one of the original ones below for an exact match.

Those are for sure original capcom american style spinners.
They are really nice.
I think that Derick2k would have great use to repro them.
@glstar and @Derick2k I have a friend who is generous enough to lend some spinners for the cause as well, and they look like this.

I think you guys are good now, but want to double check as there a few types of knobs out there and maybe you can use one of the original ones below for an exact match.

Is he willing to sell 1? Would he take $250? I can guarantee that I will send him a repro replacement as well when they get made, which I’m 100% we will. I want to send one to @twistedsymphony as I want to work with him on this project.
I will ask, but since they are going for crazy prices on KLOV right now, I don't know.
I will ask, but since they are going for crazy prices on KLOV right now, I don't know.
All we can do is ask :) , but yeah, I have the spinner know reproed already, it’s just a matter of options/materials/finish. I already sent in the Capcom badge to get reproduced. The pcb should’ve easy enough to reproduce, so not worried about that. My issue now is the gears and framework which is why I want to ask Twistedsymphony to see if he wants to get involved. I also want to make the whole stack shorter so it can fit into control panels that are shallower.
I will ask, but since they are going for crazy prices on KLOV right now, I don't know.
All we can do is ask :) , but yeah, I have the spinner know reproed already, it’s just a matter of options/materials/finish. I already sent in the Capcom badge to get reproduced. The pcb should’ve easy enough to reproduce, so not worried about that. My issue now is the gears and framework which is why I want to ask Twistedsymphony to see if he wants to get involved. I also want to make the whole stack shorter so it can fit into control panels that are shallower.
This may have already been discussed and I missed it/forgot, but for the love of pete, do not use 3D printed gears for production. They will not hold up. Nylon or metal gears should be available in droves if you can find a proper supplier.
OK, I feel a good deal brewing.

@Derick2k I've PM'd you the info to get the spinners.

Good luck guys, I can't wait to buy a set. Also, don't forget to repro whatever the interface PCB is for the actual CPS1 board!
This may have already been discussed and I missed it/forgot, but for the love of pete, do not use 3D printed gears for production. They will not hold up. Nylon or metal gears should be available in droves if you can find a proper supplier.
you can buy most plastic gears off the shelf, no reason to reinvent the wheel
No 3d printed gears and such. I actually went to a precision bearing shop to see if they can help me source or fabricate the gears/spindles, etc.. as you can imagine, most places are not too enthused/motivated unless you are placing large orders. But yeah, Im waitng to hear back on that and what suggestions they have. Also, since it has a combination of plastic and metal gears, should I try to go all metal even if they cost a little more? Also, what metal should I be looking to get the gears made out of?
Also, since it has a combination of plastic and metal gears, should I try to go all metal even if they cost a little more? Also, what metal should I be looking to get the gears made out of?
From what I understand, brass is a soft-ish metal that would likely jive well with plastic gears. I believe steel would tear plastic up in time. Going with all metal may add notable clicking/clacking when changing spin directions or abruptly stopping. Take my opinions with a grain of salt as I'm no machine builder. I'm just going off of what I've seen in various assemblies (not arcade in particular).
The problem with brass is it wears relatively quickly. In saying that I don't think these are going to see enough use in a hobbyist environment for that to be a problem for quite a while.

House door locks are all brass (as are keys) to give you an idea of longevity, great if you need a metal on metal setup.
I actually think all nylon gears would likely have the best longevity. but I'd suspect the use metal in certain areas due to the slide action since that's not something most gears are built to handle.

-100% correct knob shape and material
-100% correct push throw and spring force
-100% correct gear/opto ratio
-100% correct spin weight

the rest of it doesn't matter as long as it ^looks and feels^ like an original.

my approach to this would have been to use a Taito Spinner as a base make a perfect replica Capcom knob and then work out the push action, that way you have as few parts to manufacture as possible (ideally JUST the knob with the rest being off-the-shelf parts)