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Mar 27, 2016
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So far the approach has been to create a multi dongle that works with every rom. Can't the approach be that there is a patch for each dongle that can be applied to the rom that works with the dongle that users have?
In this case I guess you consider the rom to be the game disk. The game disk is the same for everyone. The dongle is different for everyone. No two are the same. So in order for there to ever be a multigame setup for System 246/256 the dongle itself will need to be modifiable. And as it currently stands the same game dongle files have to be modified DIFFERENTLY by every user to work on their individual dongle. So not only does a multi dongle need to be easily reprogrammed but a patcher will need to be written so that every user can patch the dongle files for their own multi kit since users will not be able to share ready-to-use, flash-able files.

Not sure if that answers your question or not.
I was working with the assumption that dongles would be the same for each game. So for instance, if you have the Tekken 5 dongle, you can patch the roms/game disc to work with the Tekken 5 dongle. But that you say that no two dongles are the same, then that makes it much harder but that doesn't exclude the approach.
It's the two things at the same time:

1st- The files on the dongle are actually the game executable binaries. The disc/harddrive has only the data.
Therefore, each game has it's own unique set of files on the dongle (which is basically a PS2 memory card with modified firmware on the controller chip).

2nd- The security format used by the PS2 (MAGIC GATE, a implementation of triple DES) has a specific measure where one of the file keys is encrypted with the cryptographic nonce that was used previously to unlock the card for file I/O access. The purpose of that is prevent that the file would work on a different memory card if it's copied in it's "raw" form.
If you guys are curious I could explain why this is important to the exploit you guys are talking about.

So, for these two reasons (the first one is the most serious one) it's impossible then create a single dongle which can boot all the games.
It is beyond my skill level l_oliveira. If you did explain it, it would server just as documentation for that next potential king of the world that walks into the problem and ends up solving the problem in a bold stroke. Who knows. I'd love to hear it.
defor was supposed to have made quite a bit of headway with a multi-dongle project. So only time will tell.
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While I appreciate the interest, proper preorder information will go up along with some more information about the package shortly.
I'm still finalizing the details, and would prefer that users actually see what's involved in using it before signing on. It's not exactly traditional in any manner as compared to normal multi-game cartridges/pcbs, and I'd rather not surprise anyone.
Having only recently finished tracking down and testing every game for the system, I've had little time to write up some explanations and directions.