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Not really, sure a lot my st stuff my say other wise ,it was my first hack and i edited places i shouldn't of which made it a glitchy mess. but if you can add a jsr to a rts and not crash at the problem, then it you're pretty much golden and that's if you have to extensively edit it.
Right, it's not impossible to get a good idea of the bounds of what could have been changed by a jump to a new quick routine. I think with proper review from both some players, tournament organizers, and people who can understand a small patch posted publically, it shouldn't be too hard to get such a thing accepted.
Oh, one small note I found out in 30th: They caught the Yang 2P glitch, but they did indeed miss the TWELEVE typo lol. This may have been because it's an art asset and not text.


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I'm not sure, though - I bet that the individual letters are text, but the whole text banner isn't a single static asset.

Either way, I think I'd leave that one in, since it's endearing and doesn't mislead anybody!
I'm not sure, though - I bet that the individual letters are text, but the whole text banner isn't a single static asset.

Either way, I think I'd leave that one in, since it's endearing and doesn't mislead anybody!
It also shows how little even Capcom cared about Twelve lol
Japanese players are the ones who came here and showed us the unblockables in the first place. When Tokido busted out the Urien tech in 2002 people lost their minds.

If you're not a Third Strike player the game lets you build meter by whiffing normals. So at the beginning Justin, playing Chun who's very strong with meter, thinks he's getting away with free meter build, and is content to let Tokido sit on the other side of the screen. He really had no idea what that meter was going to be spent on, or he might not have done that heh. Urien's Aegis Reflector super was seen as a mostly useless toy in the US at the time.
Man, I love history lessons from Papa Aurich! :thumbsup:
I don't even play 3s like that but when I enter tourneys to support the most played version is version A. This applies to USA and whenever I go to Tokyo , more specifically mikado takadanobaba and moreso the biggest 3rd strike event every year the co-op cup

Mikado usually runs their tourneys with first revisions of Samurai shodown 2 , virtua fighter 3tb , 3rd strike very.A and fatal fury special recently adding world Heroes... So that's that
Also keep in mind, most of the time, the first revision of a capcom game is almost always the main Version to play. When capcom makes a rom update, they do not send the updates to their customers(arcade operators). All that happens is when they manufacture more boards, it will have the updated romset.

So you have a situation, where most operators buy the games at launch or within a week or so. And never buy anymore. And never ever get revision b. Capcom never gave out free rom upgrades, like how companies like midway and namco did.

Because of this, version B is the uncommon version. Because most kits were bought before B was available.

Same problem with Xmvsf. Standard is version 1 in Japan because that is what was sold at launch. By the time revision 2 came out, it was not sold in the US yet, so when the us version launched, version 2 was the main version the US went with. Then you have the uncommon version 3(saturn version is v3), which was produced after the game was already available in all regions. Guess which version was rejected by all scenes? And version C is still fun.

So it's not only about what the players demand, but it was also about what version was usually available
Also keep in mind, most of the time, the first revision of a capcom game is almost always the main Version to play. When capcom makes a rom update, they do not send the updates to their customers(arcade operators). All that happens is when they manufacture more boards, it will have the updated romset.

So you have a situation, where most operators buy the games at launch or within a week or so. And never buy anymore. And never ever get revision b. Capcom never gave out free rom upgrades, like how companies like midway and namco did.

Because of this, version B is the uncommon version. Because most kits were bought before B was available.

Same problem with Xmvsf. Standard is version 1 in Japan because that is what was sold at launch. By the time revision 2 came out, it was not sold in the US yet, so when the us version launched, version 2 was the main version the US went with. Then you have the uncommon version 3(saturn version is v3), which was produced after the game was already available in all regions. Guess which version was rejected by all scenes? And version C is still fun.

So it's not only about what the players demand, but it was also about what version was usually available
I’ve heard the opposite. I’ve heard the more common 3rd strike set ups out there in the wild are version B because version A was only out for a couple months before they revised it.
I’ve heard the opposite. I’ve heard the more common 3rd strike set ups out there in the wild are version B because version A was only out for a couple months before they revised it.
not surprising at all.

imagine - you are arcade operator, and have couple of SFIII cabinets. do you really want to check whole day, 7 days per week, if some nasty kid did that damn Makoto throw and one of cabs hang or glitched in some other way ? obviously you are not, and as soon as possible will install update from CD to fix that shit. :)
that's why I do not believe A was most common in regular arcades in Japan.
I’ve heard the opposite. I’ve heard the more common 3rd strike set ups out there in the wild are version B because version A was only out for a couple months before they revised it.
not surprising at all.
imagine - you are arcade operator, and have couple of SFIII cabinets. do you really want to check whole day, 7 days per week, if some nasty kid did that damn Makoto throw and one of cabs hang or glitched in some other way ? obviously you are not, and as soon as possible will install update from CD to fix that shit. :)
that's why I do not believe A was most common in regular arcades in Japan.
if a player starts doing urien or yang unblockables , which I've seen in almost every game center in Japan... It's a 99.9% chance it's 3s version A. Also no high level players will perform the makoto throw glitch as it's banned in tourney play.. also an attendant would reset the cab if they see if occur and hit the coin switch a few times
Also no high level players will perform the makoto throw glitch as it's banned in tourney play.. also an attendant would reset the cab if they see if occur and hit the coin switch a few times
I was talking about regular players and regular arcades 15-20 years ago, e.g. 99.9% of this game market.
it is more operators/attendants motivation question - they was not any interested to check and reset cabs all the time.
Also no high level players will perform the makoto throw glitch as it's banned in tourney play.. also an attendant would reset the cab if they see if occur and hit the coin switch a few times
I was talking about regular players and regular arcades 15-20 years ago, e.g. 99.9% of this game market.it is more operators/attendants motivation question - they was not any interested to check and reset cabs all the time.
regular cabs would be outside of those candy shops as opposed to game centers (see high score girl episode 1 or 2 where Ono beats sd2 with dhalsim using two buttons)

Actual game centers have 2-3 people per floor making sure everything is running buttery smooth.

Let's not even get into the discussion of invader houses at that lol
On top of that.. there's actual age restrictions in game centers in Japan..
Yeah I’m not talking about 2019 arcades in Japan. They’re all version A at this point. I’m talking about the boards in storage, garages, warehouses etc that you find in the wild. Like, I’m pretty sure Capcom produced wayyy more version B set ups than version A.
Patching and fixing a game
welp, I did basic research of this emulator, btw it is called "Moo" :D
I see there number of "vftables" - overloaded functions lists of base "CPS3" class, for specific games.
some of functions in SF3 3rd class is unique (not used in other games), and seems installing game-specific read/execute hooks lists into simm1/2 area, other installing RAM R/W hooks, etc.
there is several dozens of hooks/patches, and it will be far not easy task to pinpoint that ones which does bug fixing.
so, huh, I'm not interested to invest more of my time in this.

anyone else ?
I think @Hatsune Mike 's proposal of patching the original game is the best approach. Trying to reverse-engineer 30th at this point, given what we know (on-the-fly patching/code injection probably happening) doesn't make a whole lot of sense, given that the use case is to use a patched ROM on original hardware.