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Just want to say how great of a thread this is. Can someone make or link a video of this conversion process? I'm slow.
In HSF2 conversions, I noticed that the eprom 01 needs to be 12.75v, I used some NEC 27c1000 12v, NEC 27c1001 12.5v and others with the voltage table does not work well, in file 02 it can be used more in 01 only worked with AMD 27c010 12.75v.
Makes no sense to me. You're talking about Vpp which is only used during programming. Or maybe you mean your programmer can only do 12.75V EPROMs.A determining factor however is the chip speed (express in ns access time).
I use a top3000 to record the eproms, this programmer records most of the cps2 eproms minus the Sony, when I use an eprom in the HSF2 and SSF2x 01 file other than the 27c010 12.75 the sound is faulty, in all that I converted happened that.
I use a top3000 to record the eproms, this programmer records most of the cps2 eproms minus the Sony, when I use an eprom in the HSF2 and SSF2x 01 file other than the 27c010 12.75 the sound is faulty, in all that I converted happened that.
Have you checked the chips speed?
I use a top3000 to record the eproms, this programmer records most of the cps2 eproms minus the Sony, when I use an eprom in the HSF2 and SSF2x 01 file other than the 27c010 12.75 the sound is faulty, in all that I converted happened that.
Have you checked the chips speed?
Where do I see the speed? in the programmer you don't have many configuration options.
I use a top3000 to record the eproms, this programmer records most of the cps2 eproms minus the Sony, when I use an eprom in the HSF2 and SSF2x 01 file other than the 27c010 12.75 the sound is faulty, in all that I converted happened that.
Have you checked the chips speed?
Where do I see the speed? in the programmer you don't have many configuration options.
ex : 27c4096 -12(that "12" means speed ... 120ns) ... -15 ... 150ns , 10 ... 100ns ... 50f1 - 50ns.
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
I use a top3000 to record the eproms, this programmer records most of the cps2 eproms minus the Sony, when I use an eprom in the HSF2 and SSF2x 01 file other than the 27c010 12.75 the sound is faulty, in all that I converted happened that.
Have you checked the chips speed?
Where do I see the speed? in the programmer you don't have many configuration options.
ex : 27c4096 -12(that "12" means speed ... 120ns) ... -15 ... 150ns , 10 ... 100ns ... 50f1 - 50ns.
thanks for the info and me thinking this was the voltage of eprom, eproms from NEC 12 and Mitsubishi from 15 do not work well with the audio file 01.
Q Sound ROMs need to be 120ns or better or you'll run into issues. If you have 100ns or better that's ideal.
You also need 19xj-07.6d for main program

If you already have the Q Sound and mask ROMs on board because it was running Phoenix code, you're good.
Ok, so back to 19xxj.....

Where in the heck did you find that file (19xj-07.6d)? I am looking at my Phoenix'ed board and it has EPROM's in banks 3-7. But in my MAME set, nothing close to rom for the 7th bank.
It's listed in the MAME driver for 19xxj

ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "19xj-07.6d", 0x200000, 0x80000, CRC(61c0296c) SHA1(9e225beccffd14bb53a32f8c0f2aef7f331dae30))

If your Phoenix set has 3-7 populated, original set will too.
Alright. My 19xxj Phoenix'ed-back-to-MAME effort is semi-working. The big part of the problem was finding a rom for it that had the proper files (thanks @xodaraP!). Used aje_fr's CPS2 Suicide Free mod chip and took hints from undamned Infinikey install to figure out where to tap +5v and Gnd.

It boots, but there are artifacts on screen. I washed the board thoroughly. No need to reset jumpers because it was working just fine as a Phoenixed board. Actually, there are no solder blobs on the jumpers at all, so traces are intact under the PCB from factory. Everything is well seated. What do you think, bad burns?

EDIT: Rev4 board running PAL-E from factory.



  • 19xxj_Artifacts2.JPG
    394 KB · Views: 214
Looks like bad connections between A and B to me. Try reseating a few times
Looks like bad connections between A and B to me. Try reseating a few times
And you'd be correct.

Seems there is something wrong with one of my A-boards. Moved the B-Board to another PCB and artifacts went away. Moved the known good HSF2 B-board conversion to the same A-board and got the same video artifacts. Will wash that A-Board good and reflow solder where needed.

I also had an unpopulated Rev3 X-men vs. Street Fighter board that I tried to use unsuccessfully for the multi years ago. Recycled the EPROM's from it long ago but kept the mask roms. Resurrected that B-board today with new EPROM's and aje_fr's Suicide Free mod chip too. I still have to check that rev4 B-Board from the earlier HSF2 attempt. Seems it is faulty somehow.

Also, I had some DIP8 sockets and SOIC8-to-DIP8 PCB's laying around. Put them together so that I could easily reprogram the PIC's if I made a mistake with burns using aje_fr's solution.
Thanks for the guide and thanks to @acblunden2 for assisting me with rom splitting.

I managed to use the MAME roms from HSF2 (US) and split them up. I used roms 3 to 10 from avalaunch so I didn't need an infinikey.

It's a relatively easy process, it was more of a pain erasing and burning the roms!
Can anybody help me out, looking to convert a battle circuit conversion to a dimahoo (I have the dark soft multi so going to use this board for a vert game) I don’t have a burner capable of 42 pin so Iam going to order the chips online, can anyone tell me what I need to get burned and on what type of chips? I presume I’ll need a gal also as battle circuit is D and dimahoo is G can I get these on buyicnow too?
Great thread! Finally, info all in one place.

That said, I have converted a rev4 xmen vs. sf to DDSOM. Seems this board was already a conversion (cut traces gave it away)...at least it was done very cleanly.

I have the board running, but with no audio. I dumped my burned 01 and 02 roms, and checked them through romident - they check out good for being ddsom 01 and 02 roms. I burned all masks to 27c322, with no modification to the mame files. I think I'm missing something in this part of the process?

PAL was already a 'F' chip, which is required for DDSOM, and I didn't change anything there.

Pictures below. What am I missing?

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11 and 12 are sound samples, 1 and 2 are Q Sound which will be music.

11 and 12 are 16mbit size as are 14, 16, 18 and 20 so if you used 27C322 you need to double the data onto each of these EPROMs or replace with 27C160
11 and 12 are sound samples, 1 and 2 are Q Sound which will be music.

11 and 12 are 16mbit size as are 14, 16, 18 and 20 so if you used 27C322 you need to double the data onto each of these EPROMs or replace with 27C160
Thanks, mate. Wiping those eproms now. Damn they take a while to clear. X(

Is G PAL necessary then, or can my original F PAL work okay once the data is doubled?
Leave the F PAL
Thank you greatly for the guidance, @xodaraP. Worked like a charm!

What makes this conversion story a fun one is that I had a empty and pretty clean DDSOM shell. I had acquired it a couple years back, and frankly completely forgot about it until stumbling across it a couple weeks ago. It was part of a pile of busted CPS2 b boards, all of which were complete junk. But, this shell was the diamond in the rough that I didn't even know at the time, would one day have significant value to me. I hadn't really played the game at that point in time, but since, have become a big fan.

So, when I found the shell a couple weeks ago, I knew I must somehow populate it. Recently, a buddy picked up a xvsf board only, and then got a grey shell for it. He loves the game. As my mind started thinking about how I could get a board to populate my shell, I realized my very clean xvsf (blue, USA) is not something that I play often, and in all honesty, if I ever get a hankering for it, the Sega Saturn version will satisfy my needs and has more nostalgia value for me.

So, I offered my very clean, complete xvsf B board to my buddy in exchange for his xvsf board, and he could even keep the grey shell.

So, here we are.

As mentioned, I have acquired quite a taste for DDSOM in recent years. :)