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@Kundi That looks sweet! And I've never seen a KI pcb without a mounted SSD. Who did those chips replacement?
Amazing work. I'm going to try get the CPS-1 case cut. A couple of questions.

What looks better in your opinon, engraved on Top or Bottom? Also, what size spacers did you use for CPS-1?

@aimbuster the storage device is actually a horizontally mounted DOM from an old appliance.. I think it was used in a Thin Client or something like that before.

Because of the suitable screw-hardware I was also searching for a long time, but finally I ordered from different Ebay sellers. I did not find the rubber rings at all, I used small metal washers instead. If you don't tighten the screws too much I think that's ok.


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I just ordered the System 16 and System 18 cases from Highflow.nl, will report back once they are together/added to the collection. :)
Those Highflow cases are spendy, but I've heard a lot of good feedback on them so far. Looking forward to your take on them @jassin000!
Those Highflow cases are spendy, but I've heard a lot of good feedback on them so far. Looking forward to your take on them @jassin000!
They are a bit on the expensive side, but its a fair cost though if you are doing it as a business. I would estimate roughly $30 for the 2 pieces of plexi, add the hardware, etc... Then there is the cost of electric to engrave, run laser, wear & tear, plus labor etc.. so in the end its a fair .
but I've heard a lot of good feedback on them so far. Looking forward to your take on them @jassin000!
Oh these aren't my first by any stretch, I keep coming back for more because they ARE so good!
So far for Highflow's I own...
  • Midway Y-Unit (MK1)
  • Midway T-Unit (MK2)
  • TMNT
  • Irem M72 (R-Type)
Adding to this...
  • System 16 (System 16 multi)
  • System 18 (Moonwalker)


MK1 & MK2 (before I finished the vol pot bracket on MK1)

Also while not Highflow plexi's I've got Jasen's CPS3 and Lyon's 1FZ.


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Definitely getting one of these made up for KI

For fan clearance, what size standoffs did you use?
They are a bit on the expensive side, but its a fair cost though if you are doing it as a business.
What I want is some cases for boards Highflow hasn't got...
  • Bubble Bobble (RomStar)
  • Super Buster Bros. (Capcom/Mitchel)
  • M92 (Right now R-Type Leo, but soon hopefully multi!)
I know most of you aren't crazy for BB, but to me it was a grail game and I'm so happy to own it NEEDS a case!
Super Buster is about keeping it protected/operational, I've already invested in the Kubuki Infinikey so might as well go all the way.
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Hi all! I'm Emiliano from Argentina. I've been collecting boards and learning electronic related stuff from 1 year and I'm happy to be part of the Forum, thanks!

I started doing custom cases to protect, store and display my games. I use acrylic and any laser cut store to doing them. I've created an open repository on GitHub to share all the design with you. On the repository you will find all the instructions and files needed.

You will find very interesting that the case for Killer Instinct board has a cooler to solve the heat problem on the CPU that leads to burn this board usually :) On my tests, the CPU runs almost at environment temperature with the case, will never turn on a Killer Instinct without a cooler over the CPU, the regular CPU temperature really scared me.

Other interesting fact is that you can tell the laser cut store that they engrave the Logos on the acrylic, this looks amazing!

I will keep updating the repository with new designs all the time, so feel free to star the repo and receive a notification when I upload new boards. I've already received some pictures of people using them, so I'm very happy to share this and that it could be useful for others.

The repo is: https://github.com/emilianoarlettaz/arcade-pcb-case

A picture from one design:

Screen Shot 2019-11-03 at 11.38.35.png
Hey @Telpherion, thanks so much for sharing these for FREE. Postage for these cases have stopped me from getting them from sellers in the past, but there’s a lot of plastic places everywhere who do custom jobs, usually with offcuts which make it cheaper (I believe an etched case will only cost me $35 USD + $5-10 in washers and offsets).

Your repository is much appreciated. Do you have somewhere people can donate money for all your hard work?

I have just sent the CPS-1 case off to get printed, and am looking to get TMNT, Simpson’s and Sunset Riders done. I will post pics as they’re done. Hopefully you continue on with this project. Thanks again.
What I want is some cases for boards Highflow hasn't got...

Bubble Bobble (RomStar)

Super Buster Bros. (Capcom/Mitchel)
Have to check if I have a spare Bubble Bobble, I donated mine to Hatsune Mike for his contributions to the hobby and he in turn sent me a splitfire as a thank you :thumbsup:
I can make a plexi for you if you get me measurements and you get me whatever logos you want on it.

I have a superpang somewhere, but same deal, if get me the measurements/logos, Ill cut you a case at cost of the acrylic.
oh need bubble bobble :3
thats a shame i dont own a real romstar
M92 (Right now R-Type Leo, but soon hopefully multi!)
Oh man, forgot about the M92, i have so many of those boards lol, i should make a case. Any ideas!

As for a multi, yeah, it is something special indeed ;)
They are a bit on the expensive side, but its a fair cost though if you are doing it as a business.
What I want is some cases for boards Highflow hasn't got...
  • Bubble Bobble (RomStar)
  • Super Buster Bros. (Capcom/Mitchel)
  • M92 (Right now R-Type Leo, but soon hopefully multi!)
I'm working on M92 cases right now! Already have a prototype done for In The Hunt.