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Correction. I have no problem with Shadowland which is US version. Only have problem with both of Jap versions with problems which i can not see characters.
Correction. I have no problem with Shadowland which is US version. Only have problem with both of Jap versions with problems which i can not see characters.
The original ROM set had an issue where all sprites in those games were white. There is an updated sprite ROM that fixes it.
If the EEP-ROM is not SEEQ, I think SHADOW LAND is also a black screen.
If the latest ROM is burned and the screen is strange, there may be a different cause.
Would you like to upload some screen shots once?
If the EEP-ROM is not SEEQ, I think SHADOW LAND is also a black screen.
If the latest ROM is burned and the screen is strange, there may be a different cause.
Would you like to upload some screen shots once?
Sorry for late posting.


This is Shawdowland (YD3) with character and sounds.


This screen shot is for both Yokai Douchuuki(YD1 and YD2).
As you can see, there is no graphic for character and enemies. But I can hear sound effect and bgm.
Which EEPROM do you have installed? Is that the only game with those issues?
It neeeds SEEQ as a EEPROM (at the back of the main board).
I have SEEQ already installed. That is why I could run Shawdowland (YD3) with no graphical difficulties not like other two(YD1 and YD2).
My problem occurs only with YD1 and YD2.
YD3 works normally with ROMs before January 7th.
YD1 and YD2 had sprites is white.
Looking at the photo, it looks like the sprite isn't showing, using the ROM SET before January 7th.

I think it has been done many times, but please erase all the ROMs. Please burn the ROM after January 7th.
If possible, we recommend shuffling and burning the same image instead of burning it to the same ROM.
YD3 works normally with ROMs before January 7th.
YD1 and YD2 had sprites is white.
Looking at the photo, it looks like the sprite isn't showing, using the ROM SET before January 7th.

I think it has been done many times, but please erase all the ROMs. Please burn the ROM after January 7th.
If possible, we recommend shuffling and burning the same image instead of burning it to the same ROM.
I will try that. The problem is that I need to order adapter for TL86. Last time I burned my roms with borrowed Flashcat and it took me almost 3 hours.
After that happened, I ordered TL86 for future purpose. Since I do not have adapter yet, it will take time for me to erase and reburn.
I will post the result when I reburn my roms. Thank you.
I would like to share some good news regarding YD1 and YD2.

I found useful information on the bottom right corner from URL below.

(Special thanks to the owner of Higeneko-do shop! They are selling some unique game related products!)

I confirmed Yokai (both of YD1 and YD2) is working perfectly with EXEL ROM at U1.
Thus, you don't need to replace it to SEEQ ROM.

Please remove your Voice ROM gently from your darksoft's multi board and turned on the power and wait few seconds then turned off.

Now You can install Voice ROM and play without any garbage.


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Please remove your Voice ROM gently from your darksoft's multi board and turned on the power and wait few seconds then turned off.

Now You can install Voice ROM and play without any garbage.
Won't this have to be done each time you change the game ? Since all these games rewrite the EEPROM in their own way.
clearly we need a module with a larger EEPROM that can be bank-switched with the games.
The text on that Japanese page says:
"It's not a malfunction (Yokai Dochuki ) If the EEPROM of the motherboard is other than "SEEQ", the Yokai Dochuki will not work as it is. If you remove only V0 (VOICE_0), start it up once, and then install V0, it will work normally."

It could be a good solution if you would only need to do it once, but as @rtw said, most probably, each time that you change game, you need to do that.
Won't this have to be done each time you change the game ? Since all these games rewrite the EEPROM in their own way.
I think you need each time only when switch to Shadowland/Yokai from other games.