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Two months really flew by there. It has been a while since I've written any updates primarily because I was waiting on various parts/services. I finally have everything I need to start re-assembly. Now, I just need to find time to do so. Here are some pretty things I recently received.


Got the base of the arcade back after that pesky raiser bolt was welded back on.


I received some really great looking control panels from @alberto1225 along with some extra screws and a 100 yen sticker. I also went ahead and bought a new chrome coin slot since it has a slightly wider diameter that will allow for quarters so I can use my any coin fake coin mech. I bought both single and two player panels because I like swapping every once in a while.




This is something I'm really excited about. Once some helpful people pointed out I had royally messed up by stripping all the zinc plating off I took nearly every piece of metal from the entire arcade machine to a plater near Seattle. I told him to just replate everything. As you can see, he did ALL the screws/bolts/etc. He told me I could choose between the silver look or this iridescent. Some of the screws were originally plated with the silver zinc, but I'm okay having them look like this. The plater explained to me that it took him a very long time because each and every bolt, screw, etc had to be done individually.



The box contains all the other metal parts to the arcade. I wanted to show them all together, but it was a tough call since they are all wrapped very nicely right now and protected until I have time to get around to re-assembling the arcade. Finally, my neighbor got back to me with the red wheels which he sized down the width so I can use them in place of the original wheels. Exciting times.

Everything looks so damn fresh! I'm more excited than I should be to see it all come together in the end. Great work, @stringbean.
I applaud your efforts! There's no way I've gone through that trouble.. I've been so unmotivated recently to finish mine off... still have so much to paint in mine.
I really wanna replace my speakers but I don't wanna take the whole back half off... I get it...
I was also working on a blast this weekend! I reference your curated posts to spark motivation and for pointers. I did some polishing :) with some of the Marine Polish you recommended
I really wanna replace my speakers but I don't wanna take the whole back half off... I get it...

I also replaced my speakers this weekend....

I didn't spit it in half but I did remove the monitor and was able to get the speakers out that way.
Yep, bent them, pulled out, bent them back. No biggie
I really wanna replace my speakers but I don't wanna take the whole back half off... I get it...

Yeah I've got another blast that definitely needs a change of speakers... but it's the biggest pita to do.

I'm too worried about bending the bracket.. I'm scared I'll rip off where the screws go.
i bent my brackets too to replace the speakers - the metal of the speakers is very bendable, and as long as you don't go overboard with it you should be perfectly fine - getting the bracket screwed back on the blast is pretty awful though, even with the monitor out. - i couldn't get one of the screws back in but the way the speakers are positioned thy are still firmly in place - when i come around to taking apart and repainting the whole cab i'll properly reattach the bracket.
Damn that Monitor Washing. I'm always too afraid to go that extra step. :D
The chassis and PSU looked pretty clean thou judging the pictures. Mine were a MESS.


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Looks fantastic! The plating really came out well.

Where'd you source the coin slot?
That's incredible that you were able to get those things re-plated, but i'm BLOWN AWAY that you got someone to agree to replate the FASTENERS. You probably got a steal on labor.
That's incredible that you were able to get those things re-plated, but i'm BLOWN AWAY that you got someone to agree to replate the FASTENERS. You probably got a steal on labor.
The shop that did the work is very experienced but ya I don't even think they knew what they were getting into. There were a lot of complaints when I was picking things up about how hard and unexpected everything was to re-plate. That being said it wasn't a cheap service. With all the metal it came out costing a few hundred dollary-doos.

Looks fantastic! The plating really came out well.

Where'd you source the coin slot?
Thanks! I got the coin slot off eBay out of China. They aren't that pricey but definitely take a long time to arrive. Part of the reason I bought this is because the diameter of the slot is wide enough for a US quarter. On the plastic coin slots you have to grind the slot a little wider and I didn't want to have to do that.
This is awesome! I'll be using your journey as a refrence restoring a couple Blast City Control Panals. Thanks!

I've had this Blast City cab sitting in my shop for a few months now and my plan is to restore it by the end of December. I originally picked it up off eBay along with an Astro that I previously restored back in August time frame. My goal is to give this cab a really good deep cleaning and bring back as much of its former glory as possible without going as far as repainting. This guide will hopefully be helpful to others looking to do something similar and provide loads of information via photos.

The cab is fully functional as is right now, but has years of nicotine buildup along with rusted out and corroded parts.


The door panels have seen better days, but hopefully with some good cleaning products, elbow grease, and a little luck I can get most of the original color to return.




I know some people like completely disassembling a cab before cleaning, but I prefer to do it part by part because I'm paranoid about losing bolts/screws/etc and/or forgetting the order in which to reassmble everything.


From the inside, the control panel looks a little gross.


I removed the control panel and the front monitor bezel. I was looking around the internet for other resources on blast city disassembly and sure there is the Bass Fishing manual with the exploded view of everything (see here pg 86), but there really aren't many guides on step by step disassembly. Not that it is all that difficult, but the best resource I found was from Spacies Arcade on YouTube (see here for that video). I also watched his series on the Astro City he restored and he details out a bunch of helpful little details.


After removing the old rusted out control panel I can see there is quite a bit of rust and staining going on with the plastic. I plan to hit this with the simple green (or zep which I have for some reason instead) and a plastic brush + magic eraser. I'll be ordering some new control panels from @alberto1225 and won't need this old one. Anyone know of something better to do with these other then just trash them? I assume there has to be someone out there wanting these older panels.


Time to get scrubbing. Lots of the really gross stuff came off pretty quickly, but there is some deeper staining here that I'll try to get in another pass with buffing compound and a circular buffer later.


The bottom of the control panel doesn't look much better. And, you can see there is a lot of corrosion going on with the metal. My plan is to see if I can gather up all the worst corroded metal parts and give them a multi-day white vinegar bath later.


Some of the really dirty stuff seems to be coming off with the simple green so that's good.


Tada! I guess I forgot to take an after picture of the top part when all rinsed off, but here is the bottom. Next, I'm going to get the buffer out and see if I can get some of the deeper stains out. Most of my availability to work on this stuff is going to be on weekdays, so I'll make more progress each day of the week and post here. I'm not entirely certain how far I'll go when it comes to the restore. I would love to recap the monitor and power supply, but I don't have that fancy Hakko desoldering sucker iron that makes it really easy and I also really hate using a solder sucker. There is the option to send off some of these things as well, but I haven't decided on that yet. It seems I could get more benefit by just buying some good tools. I have so many things that could used to be recapped with some of those fancy Nichicon caps. I still remember back when I was in college trying to desolder stuff using a solder rope - that was the worst.

This marks day two of working on the control panel. Progress was slow because it was in such bad shape. I had to take more then a few approaches to cleaning off some of the grime before finding something that would work but I'm happy where it ended up at the end of the day. The first thing I did was give the entire body of the arcade a thorough look over to see if I could locate all the missing/incorrect screws which I'm hoping @alberto1225 can supply me with when I get some panels from him. He has been able to source screws I thought I would have to find alternatives to in the past and even been kind enough to send me some free of charge when I didn't even order anything. <3

A quick look at the control panel today shows that I was able to get some of the surface dirt off on Friday but not the dirt that was deeper engrained in the plastic or the corrosion built up on the metal parts.

Look at that metal. It feels rough to the touch and I can make out all the little pits caused by corrosion over the years.

I removed as many metal parts/screws from the control panel as I could find and left most of the other stuff on the arcade so as not to get things confused. Then, I filled a tub I have with a mix of white cleaning vinegar (very cheap stuff) and water. Time to give everything a vinegar bath!

The effects were pretty amazing. This pic is unfortunately after everything had been in the bin for about 20-30 min, but you can see the vinegar had already started breaking down the rust and corrosion. One by one, I pulled things out and took a plastic scrub brush and gave them a nice scrubbin which pulled the remaining rust off.

Check out the before and after on the control panel hinge.

Another part that looked exponentially better (but of course I forgot to photo it individually) was the latch that locks the control panel shut.

It also looks like KC somehow left what I believe is a New Net City part in the coin bucket on accident so I cleaned that up too.

Next, I pulled that nasty old 100 yen sticker off and cleaned up the spot. I thought I might need to use some Goo Gone, but just slowly picking at it and peeling it back by rubbing with my finger did the trick.

I took all the metal parts to the sink and rinsed the vinegar off them next.

The vinegar was a little aggressive on the bolts and washers painted black and actually removed some paint unfortunately. And I also noticed the chrome brackets that hold the glass piece in place for the control panel had a thick layer of adhesive on the backside which I later removed using a small plastic razor blade and Goo Gone.

The two L shaped brackets are actually for an Astro City, but included on this cab so I'll have to acquire some of the appropriate Blast city brackets. They are used to hold the control panel shut and the Blast City brackets are actually supposed to be slightly narrower.


Now, I have to back up a little because I forgot to mention cleaning the panel itself.

You can see in the above pic the panel has some serious leftover dirt to be reckoned with. The stuff on the 1 player side near where someones wrist would rest was particularly deep in the plastic. The plastic itself has deep cuts and gashes from watches or knives or who knows what rubbing against it for years probably. Then, the dirt was nestled in those crevices. At first, I sprayed the rust stains with vinegar as well as the other stains and let it sit for 20 min before trying to scrub/rub it off. This didn't seem to do anything. So, I took my Simple Green and sprayed it and then took a scrub daddy plastic scrub pad and aggressively scrubbed this area. This helped a little but still didn't get rid of the worst stuff. So finally, I took out my electric buffer and used a rubbing compound on the plastic. This helped the most so far.


You can see this helped quite a bit but there was still a bunch of leftover dirt embedded in there. Next, I wiped the plastic clean and pulled out some of my Meguiar's Oxidation Remover to see if that would have any better results. It did. Even though it's technically meant for fiberglass it did a fine job on the plastic here. Using that, I cleaned the remaining dirt stains out, but couldn't really buff out the deep scratches in the plastic. Maybe someday I will sand the plastic or something to smooth this out and do a repaint.


As for the rust, I wasn't able to clean that very well. Anyone have any tried and true ways to clean rust off plastic other then vinegar? Maybe I'll give the vinegar another shot at some point, but to be honest after cleaning it up as much as I did I felt it would be okay since those stains will sit below the metal control panel insert and won't be visible.

The Meguiar's also did a fine job of polishing up the bottom of the panel and removed some stains that were still there.


Once I finished buffing I put the panel back together, but I will probably do some more stuff to it. The back of the glass insert has missing black paint from scratches so I would like to find something I can fill those in with. Also, I may at a later point buff out the wrist spot some more on the control panel. but, aside from that, I figured I would throw it back together and call it good for now. I had a repro blast panel laying around that is not from Albert so I threw it on top. I'll still be getting some panels from Albert for both 1p and 2p since I like his so much though.

Supplies incoming! The weekend deliveries came in hot with most of the things I need for the new wheels (including the wheels which arrived), new buffer pads, the PSU fan, foam roll, and double sided tape to reattach the instruction glass to it's metal mounting brackets. Also, the dog insisted to be in the photo.

Stringbean, may I know where did you buy the Blast City casters? I'm currently restoring my Blast City cabinet and thinking to replace the worn casters.