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Holy moly that is so awesome that this is going to be looked at closer. that's all I think any of us wanted It doesn't matter how long it takes your team at least it's gonna be looked into, Thank you. If you need any more data or pictures I'll do my best. Also no fancy lights or anything drawing power from the system that would cause a known voltage drop. Just the system by itself as seen.
Do you know if the original caps on the pcb have ever been changed?
I'm looking pretty hard at them and they look like the original capacitors especially compared to my bare mv1c board. I'll send pics in a sec
Do you have a supergun to use with your bare pcb?
Here we go yeah they look stock


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Ok. So two different motherboards and two different bios with the same issue. Got it.
Yes exactly. They are both mv1c motherboards but yes.


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This is good info and the fact that it happens in 2 different motherboards with 2 different BIOS, leads to me believe that the problem has something to do with the cart firmware. The question is. How can this be troubleshooted? Is there a way to determine exactly when this happens? like a specific combination or attack? I hope you will agree with me that this is a bit of a needle in a haystack.

Another options is to go back to a previos firmware and confirm if it also happens there or not. This will confirm that is a Firmware issue.

Last but not least, if we can check this in another motherboard different than MV1C, we can also confirm if it's specific to MV1C or not.
I totally understand. As far as button combinations I thought so too so I paid more attention to what input I was doing before the crash but it still crashes regardless of whether I'm running, doing a complex directional input or in the case where the computer grabbed me in the video, I was inputting nothing and it resets.

As far as firmware, I'll test the previous versions until it works and let you know. Unfortunately I don't have another motherboard that isn't mv1c but the another user yagamisan reported the same issue I have with several different motherboards in earlier posts.

I'll be able to tackle trying the older firmware in a short while
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Just be aware that the old FW might introduce some old bugs, which might or might not be noticable in your setup.

So use it to check if still breaks. If it doesn't and you are happy with it, you can leave it :)
I was thinking about doing that if it works for the meantime until a new firmware comes out that addresses the issue (if it can be addressed via firmware) I just got back so I'm about to try this but question, there's a link that's broken to the previous firmware before your link to firmware 1102. Was that intentional because that's the firmware previous to the latest one no?

Otherwise I'm gonna start with 1102 MVS from 1169
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So this is the latest current firmware. I extracted and placed the previous firmware as instructed in the update folder and the menu files in the "menu" folder. I cleared the nvram before placing the cart back in then inserted the cart with the micro sd but the cart didn't downgrade the firmware and the files are still on my microsd card and they're supposed to be gone if the update was successful.


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Christ what a dounce I am...Thank you.
Ok so I downgraded successfully let's see if I can actually finish a game of samurai shodown


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So before I started the game I'm not getting any sound in the menu or in game. I cleared the nvram again before the successful firmware downgrade. When I try to change the menu music I get "z80 error". Foregoing that, I played the game to completion with not a single crash I could never even get half way through the game before a crash. But I can't stay on this version with no sound...any idea of the z80 error? If not it's ok I can at least confirm your previous version plays the game with no crashing.
I reformatted the card, only put on samsho 3 re did the firmware update that the game works on, but still no sound. It's all good though. I'll just patiently wait for a firmware that address the issue. Unless you guys want me to test other things for you?
Well, that would confirm that the issue is related to the firmware. Now I need to get a complete setup that behaves like that and see where the error comes from. But before that I need to find a way to reproduce the error in a less random way. Any ideas?
So I put my firmware back to the latest, got my sound back and was hoping for an odd miracle but no, game crashed. As far as reproducing it, on my console it happens without fail at some point during each gameplay attempt to finish the story and does happen eventually in attract mode every time. But unfortunately I don't know the "trigger" or can even speculate as it seems I can't find a common Action I'm doing to trigger it. Like you said it seems to be a rare occurrence but I do wish other people here would chime in on their experiences or even the existing users that HAVE reported it before me to add additional data to this experience.