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Multi Boyz Overlord
Multi Boyz
May 20, 2016
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Brisbane, Australia
Doing a Punisher conversion but having trouble finding label artwork. Anyone have anything suitable or custom made in their art stash?
Doing a Punisher conversion but having trouble finding label artwork. Anyone have anything suitable or custom made in their art stash?
Here's the scan of the original Japanese label. I prefer its appearance to that of the USA/World one.


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I won’t be printing nor selling these. Just for personal use on my forthcoming conversion.

This art is surprisingly hard to find compared to others, perhaps it can be added to the repository over on ArcadeOtaku.

Thanks once again for the link @snakeimp
Thanks @snakeimp -- the Japanese labels really do look so much better to me. Did they have a Japanese alternate label for Cadillacs & Dinosaurs?
Love it, gunna replace my current one with this :)
My conversion is the Japanese version. Makes sense to pair the right label.

I also like the font, but yep, not a big deal at all. Just sharing.
No worries, you can like what you like! But the English font is original to the comic book, but I guess it is missing the extra dino in it! LOL!

I have the US version of the game, any reason to check out the Japanese version? Extra cut scenes or moves?
Not sure, but I am sure google could tell you (or you can test yourself on the CPS-1 Multi seeing it will play 1.5 games) :).

For me, I have basic Japanese language skills and it helps to play games, read and watch movies in the language as to not lose it.
@Hackcell nope. I only do the Multi labels. You can hit up @hursit on discord though. He has redrawn some various labels and may have them :)