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Feb 19, 2020
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I've got an issue with a lindbergh red ex (for a Rambo) it keeps giving me "Error 18 I/O device not found" and i cant find out what that Error means anywhere.

I've swapped the the I/O card to different PCI slots to see if that help and swapped the I/O card to a known working working one but still the same. anyone got any ideas?


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I just had a look at SEGABOOT for error 18. The only reference to it I can find is when a call to this fails:

lspci | grep "Bridge: %Motorola %MPC8271/MPC8272"

No idea what that chip does, but my best guess is something to do with the JVS IO card.
Hope that helps.
Taking a look at the two cards that were lent to me, there is an MPC chip on the baseboard.
MPC8248VRPIEA is what's written on the chip and looking online its...A PowerPC G2_LE chip?

Okay that's a little surprising, i didn't think the baseboard had a PowerPC chip on it, two architectures in one system.
Intel x86 and PowerPC.

For anyone curious i found the datasheet, someone that knows more about these things than me could probably take a look https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/electronic-components/datasheet/MPC8248VRPIEA--NXP-Semiconductors/
Alright so i don't know if it will help or not but.
I tried running Sega Race TV through a multikit and well, the Lindbergh crashes when exiting out of the game test mode.

I'm starting to wonder if error 18 corresponds to a motherboard issue, these things are quite old after all.
That error is related to the JVS I/O. Error 18 is incorrect baseboard. Which one are you using?

If it's the right one, then it's most probably a problem with the JVS itself. Those things break just looking at them.
That error is related to the JVS I/O. Error 18 is incorrect baseboard. Which one are you using?

If it's the right one, then it's most probably a problem with the JVS itself. Those things break just looking at them.
How do i know which baseboard i have? I have one without the little cap next to the battery holder and one with a little cap next to the battery.

And I'll add that one has 2004 as the year stamp and the other has 2007 for the year.

But if error 18 is incorrect baseboard, then removing the baseboard entirely still gives me error 18?
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If the JVS is dead, or not responding to the CPU, then it's the same, isn't it?

Post some pictures of your JVS I/O please.
If the JVS is dead, or not responding to the CPU, then it's the same, isn't it?

Post some pictures of your JVS I/O please.

I can't take pictures for now, the cab belongs to my friend and he's not in town at the moment.

I have the system itself home and looked at the baseboards.
One is 837-14472R and the other is 837-14472R01

Is there a difference between both baseboards that Rambo would show error 18?
I know that with 14472R01 plugged to the JVS it still showed error 18 but going in the test menu i was getting inputs from the guns.

Does Rambo requires a 14472R baseboard? Also because i'm curious, would the error also show up if the mini USB thingies aren't plugged into the Lindbergh?
Okay so not to hijack the thread but. If you tried all the PCI slots on the Lindbergh, the system itself could be the issue.

The problem i was having with the one i borrowed to try and fix it? It went away when i tried another Lindbergh,
so the issue might be somewhere in the motherboard.

For anyone curious now its showing error 7.