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I recorded some audio from my OG M72 PCB for the M72 core author and he’s using them to make the core’s audio more accurate in the next release. :thumbsup:

Nice :)
Tag, your it, let the dog-piling continue. Two days straight. Only now he isn't tagged. Where is your project list? What grants you the right to dictate to other creators? Nice likes btw.
I don't understand how you're taking this kind of feedback personally. It's constructive criticism: maybe don't post on a public forum asking people to join a private chat room for information that is beneficial for the very people you wish to reach on that same public forum?

Good luck on your project. I hope it does well and turns out as another good JAMMA product for MiSTer.
I haven't read the Jamma Expander thread so I don't know what's in it or how he was treated during his development. I do own the jammafier and retroscaler solutions as well as mistercade, all devices I learned about through the AP forum.

The thread is 27 pages, zim and his products have always been regarded very well here and on other forums. Nobody is in that thread starting any fuss, just Q&A, troubleshooting, and announcements of availability & updates.
Tag, your it, let the dog-piling continue. Two days straight. Only now he isn't tagged. Where is your project list? What grants you the right to dictate to other creators? Nice likes btw.
I don't understand the reference to the game of tag, maybe I missed something in the previous pages. It got a little hectic for a minute. So, I am not commenting on it.

I also don't know what dog-piling is. I've never heard that term.

All that is to say - I hope I'm not getting in the middle of anything.

It would be better, if the creator responded to messages here instead of requiring the use of discord. Discord chats do not come up in Google search but these posts do. The information could prove to be very valuable; not just now, but for years to come.

Hopefully, the creator is willing to respond to questions here.
I recorded some audio from my OG M72 PCB for the M72 core author and he’s using them to make the core’s audio more accurate in the next release. :thumbsup:

Thanks for doing that!

I was playing the M72 core on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. Controls felt tight and responsive on R-TYPE and Ninja Spirit (that's all I played). Graphics were gorgeous.
I'm very excited about this core.
I don't understand the reference to the game of tag, maybe I missed something in the previous pages. It got a little hectic for a minute. So, I am not commenting on it.

I also don't know what dog-piling is. I've never heard that term.

All that is to say - I hope I'm not getting in the middle of anything.
You haven't done anything wrong. The user was accusing you of imaginary slights.

Your points all make a lot of sense, and seem to come from a good place, so I would not worry about it at all.

If you're a seller of a product and concerned about no one knowing about it (like how the bot won't retweet), forcing all conversation into a discord that can't be found unless you already know about the product is like tying one hand behind your back.
So Outzone is an unofficial core and doesn't download with update_all script for reasons, unless I set it to. There are other cores in the same boat.

https://github.com/va7deo/zerowing lists it as implemented.

https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Arcade-Raizing_MiSTer This page shows games as public.

Can I assume that a game isn't going to be in the main update_all script unless its marked as public? Will those cores ever be added to update all and go public? Seems the last update was back in June for Out Zone. Is it considered done and meant to be not part of the main update or was it just forgotten?

I am the type who likes to wait until a game is finished before diving in. Trying to wrap my head around how the cores are released.
The Toaplan Version 1 core is still a work in progress as far as I'm aware. My assumption is that it would not join the update_all script until it was fully released. But I dunno how this stuff works, I just always figured these WIP cores were an "install on your own if you were curious" deal.
How would you rate the overall Saturn core on a scale of 1-10?

How far away from low lag high resolution upscaling do you think we are in terms of years and technology on an FPGA?

Have you heard any mention of a more expensive FPGA replacement announcements?
We aren't already at the point of low lag high resolution on MiSTer?

I have my MiSTer hooked up to an OLED (1600x1200) and a CRT (240p) at the same time.

They appear to be perfectly in sync for sound and video.