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Jul 21, 2015
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I recently got my LS-30 Joysticks setup and running on one of my cabs, it's nice finally being able to play my rotary stick games.

One game however is incompatible with the LS-30 and requires a different rotary stick called a "Loop-24" these are differentiated by a green knob instead of yellow and use a rotary encoder similar to a spinner.

Caliber .50 is the only game to use these loop-24 joysticks. There is also Touchdown Fever and Touchdown Fever II which use a special version of the Loop-24 with a football shaped knob. I've heard that the TDF joysticks are not cross compatible with the CAL50 joysticks but I honestly don't know for sure.

What I'd like to do is build an adapter so that a normal LS-30 can be used to play CAL50.

It should be noted that there is also a Data East/Wico version of the Rotary stick this has a smooth cylindrical knob with the "DE" logo embossed on the top. This works identical to and is cross-compatible with the LS-30 stick. the biggest difference is that it has leaf switches in the base instead of micro switches for the 4 cardinal directions. it's also much much taller which makes it not suitable for candy cab panels.

The way the LS-30 (and DE/Wikco Stick) works is pretty simple. the stick has 12 positions in a rotation. the connector has 13 pins, 1 for ground and one for each position. when you rotate it it simply connects ground to a different output pin... like having 12 buttons. The pinout is as follows:


I don't have a Loop-24 sticks, I'm only speculating about the Loop-24 but I'm guessing it has twice as many positions (24 instead of 12). If you own or have access to one of these sticks please let me know. Heck, even if you have pictures of the rotary encoder wheel please share!

So those of you who don't know how a rotary encoder wheel works it's basically a 4-digit binary counter (sort-of, it doesn't count in order). Most will have 4 pins. the wheel has slots in it and it has 2 optical sensors offset from each other so that the slots passing through the sensors count up or down in binary. Most have 4 pins: 5V and Ground (to power the sensors), and then 2 output pins for the binary counter usually just labeled "a" and "b" or "1" and "2".

Some images from wikipedia explain this pretty well:


So my initial though it simply this. a 2 position binary counter has 4 possible outputs, the LS-30 has 12 positions and 4 divides evenly into 12 so map a binary number for each of the 12 positions:

ls30 - loop24
01 - 00
02 - 01
03 - 11
04 - 10
05 - 00
06 - 01
07 - 11
08 - 10
09 - 00
10 - 01
11 - 11
12 - 10


ls30 - loop24
011111111111 - 11
101111111111 - 10
110111111111 - 00
111011111111 - 01
111101111111 - 11
111110111111 - 10
111111011111 - 00
111111101111 - 01
111111110111 - 11
111111111011 - 10
111111111101 - 00
111111111110 - 01

This could probably be accomplished with some simple 74 series logic, HOWEVER if the loop 24 really does have 24 positions in a rotation then doing this you'd likely be rotating at half the speed your normally would in the game. fixing that would require a lot more complex solution.

If you have some Loop-24 Joysticks and Cal50 or Touch Down Fever please let me know I'd love to know how these sticks respond in game and in test-mode


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oh and just for the sake of completeness here are the games that uses theses sticks:

Data East/Wico Rotary Stick
SNK/Semitsu LS-30 Rotary Stick
  • Bermuda Triangle/World Wars [1987 SNK]
  • Downtown [1989 Seta/Taito]
  • Gondomania/Makyou Senshi [1989 Data East]
  • Guerilla War [1987 SNK]
  • Heavy Barrel [1987 Data East]
  • Ikari Warriors/Ikari [1986 SNK]
  • Ikari III: The Rescue [1989 SNK]
  • Jackal (World - Rotary Version) [1986 Konami] (not really an LS-30, actually an 8 pos rotary instead of 12 pos)
  • Midnight Resistance [1989 Data East]
  • SAR - Search And Rescue [1989 SNK]
  • Time Soldiers [1987 Romstar/SNK]
  • TNK III/T.A.N.K. [1985 SNK]
  • Victory Road/Dogou Souken [1986 SNK]
SNK/Semitsu Loop-24 Rotary Stick
  • Caliber .50 [1989 Seta/Taito]
  • Fighting Soccer [1988 SNK]
  • TouchDown Fever [1987 SNK]
  • TouchDown Fever II [1988 SNK]

if you know of others please post them up.
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Man, I'd love to play a legit Caliber .50 again, it's been ages. It's not the most well known game, but kinda special to me. I came across a board once, but without the loop-24s it was kinda useless and I didn't feel like paying to hold onto it hoping I'd come across some.
I bought a Cal.50 recently. Besides having a fucked up edge connector that I need to fix, it also has a daughter board that turns button presses into rotation:


Anyway, I'll be removing this. I have a set of Loop 24 sticks somewhere. I just need some time to rummage through my storage room.
that's... interesting. it looks like it's using a set of 7400 AND gates to make the counter and maybe all of those caps to produce a pulse? not sure why they wouldn't just use a 555 or pull a pulse signal from something on the PCB.

clever non-the-less though.
Oh shit, look what I found:


Found two sticks. Unfortunately spinning the other one you can definitely feel it drag at some spots. The other one is smooth all around.

Anyway, I pulled one apart for science:

oh wow, that is way more than 24 steps, I'm guessing 100 based on the number on the wheel.

Thanks for the fantastic pics.

I'm guessing this has smooth rotation and no "notches" like the LS-30?

Any part numbers anywhere on the spinner unit?
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Rotation is smooth, yes.

Here's pics of the end cap and the other side of PCB:


Apart from the end cap (IM7, SNK CORP, VBAO), no other markings.
I remember Playing Time Soldier with the rotary Joystick is Very Fun ,until some of the directional has been faulty

Bring Memories seeing this Games Nowadays

Good luck on your Project
I bought a Cal.50 recently. Besides having a fucked up edge connector that I need to fix, it also has a daughter board that turns button presses into rotation:


Anyway, I'll be removing this. I have a set of Loop 24 sticks somewhere. I just need some time to rummage through my storage room.
Nice! Do you still have the daughter board? I would be interested in it :)
Rise from your grave!

What ever happened with this project? Ever get Cal.50 converted to a stock LS30?
I've not done anymore work on this project.
I've since sourced some touchdown fever sticks. Would still like to find some legit Cal 50 sticks though
Man, I passed on some NOS green sticks a long time ago for like $20. I wasn't sure what game used them at the time. Knowing now that it was Cal.50, well, I might have still passed... :)

Nah, I would have grabbed them to help out!
Knowing now that it was Cal.50, well, I might have still passed...
Awww ... I still would love to have a full setup for that game, but I admit it's on my list of nostalgia purchases, not out of any real conviction the gameplay is amazing. I doubt it really holds up. But I'd like to play it to find out!
Awww ... I still would love to have a full setup for that game, but I admit it's on my list of nostalgia purchases, not out of any real conviction the gameplay is amazing. I doubt it really holds up. But I'd like to play it to find out!
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE to be able to play the game, but a specialty controller for one game? Hard to justify, even at $20-30, let alone $1k. Now please don’t tell that to the Forgotten Worlds crew…
I recently got my LS-30 Joysticks setup and running on one of my cabs, it's nice finally being able to play my rotary stick games.

One game however is incompatible with the LS-30 and requires a different rotary stick called a "Loop-24" these are differentiated by a green knob instead of yellow and use a rotary encoder similar to a spinner.

Caliber .50 is the only game to use these loop-24 joysticks. There is also Touchdown Fever and Touchdown Fever II which use a special version of the Loop-24 with a football shaped knob. I've heard that the TDF joysticks are not cross compatible with the CAL50 joysticks but I honestly don't know for sure.

What I'd like to do is build an adapter so that a normal LS-30 can be used to play CAL50.

It should be noted that there is also a Data East/Wico version of the Rotary stick this has a smooth cylindrical knob with the "DE" logo embossed on the top. This works identical to and is cross-compatible with the LS-30 stick. the biggest difference is that it has leaf switches in the base instead of micro switches for the 4 cardinal directions. it's also much much taller which makes it not suitable for candy cab panels.

The way the LS-30 (and DE/Wikco Stick) works is pretty simple. the stick has 12 positions in a rotation. the connector has 13 pins, 1 for ground and one for each position. when you rotate it it simply connects ground to a different output pin... like having 12 buttons. The pinout is as follows:


I don't have a Loop-24 sticks, I'm only speculating about the Loop-24 but I'm guessing it has twice as many positions (24 instead of 12). If you own or have access to one of these sticks please let me know. Heck, even if you have pictures of the rotary encoder wheel please share!

So those of you who don't know how a rotary encoder wheel works it's basically a 4-digit binary counter (sort-of, it doesn't count in order). Most will have 4 pins. the wheel has slots in it and it has 2 optical sensors offset from each other so that the slots passing through the sensors count up or down in binary. Most have 4 pins: 5V and Ground (to power the sensors), and then 2 output pins for the binary counter usually just labeled "a" and "b" or "1" and "2".

Some images from wikipedia explain this pretty well:


So my initial though it simply this. a 2 position binary counter has 4 possible outputs, the LS-30 has 12 positions and 4 divides evenly into 12 so map a binary number for each of the 12 positions:

ls30 - loop24
01 - 00
02 - 01
03 - 11
04 - 10
05 - 00
06 - 01
07 - 11
08 - 10
09 - 00
10 - 01
11 - 11
12 - 10


ls30 - loop24
011111111111 - 11
101111111111 - 10
110111111111 - 00
111011111111 - 01
111101111111 - 11
111110111111 - 10
111111011111 - 00
111111101111 - 01
111111110111 - 11
111111111011 - 10
111111111101 - 00
111111111110 - 01

This could probably be accomplished with some simple 74 series logic, HOWEVER if the loop 24 really does have 24 positions in a rotation then doing this you'd likely be rotating at half the speed your normally would in the game. fixing that would require a lot more complex solution.

If you have some Loop-24 Joysticks and Cal50 or Touch Down Fever please let me know I'd love to know how these sticks respond in game and in test-mode
Outstanding info as usual.
Updated the game list
SNK Fighting Soccer is another Loop 24 game I've discovered

Similarly Konami Jackal uses a 8-position rotary that's different from the 12-position LS-30
Updated the game list
SNK Fighting Soccer is another Loop 24 game I've discovered

Similarly Konami Jackal uses a 8-position rotary that's different from the 12-position LS-30
Not to sidetrack- but I hunted as much info as I could re: Jackal/TG Rotary and haven't come up with much info. Do you have any more information on that one?