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is there a way to tell a Taito spinner from a picture?
The ones twistedsymphony linked to have the Taito logo on the encoder PCBs. However, the ones that I have have spindles that are plastic instead of metal and the encoder board just has the text "TS-30" on it.
the ones that I have have spindles that are plastic instead of metal and the encoder board just has the text "TS-30" on it.
do you have pictures of those. I don't think I've seen that spinner before.
Such a newbie here but some more exp on shmups / neo arcadia forums.
your stuff looks awesome and i wanna join the bidirectional crew !
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Big up to Brizzo and his Spinner adapter ! that product really kicks ass !

Thank you very much ! keep up the good work !

the ones that I have have spindles that are plastic instead of metal and the encoder board just has the text "TS-30" on it.
do you have pictures of those. I don't think I've seen that spinner before.
Oops, completely missed this post of yours, TS. Here's some pics:


Anyway, the photointerrupter on mine stopped working. Punching Sharp and A52 in to Google, first result is a GP1A52HRJ00F. Knowing nothing about photointerrupters, does anyone know if that's a suitable replacement?


  • taito_spinners_1.jpg
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The device looks like a Seimitsu LS-29 but the optical PCB looks nothing like the original PCB ?
i am using this fabulous adapter since many years with a Ghox spinner ( with up and down switch embedded) and it works great with a lot of games.
All games which have L and R control works great but if you have a ghox spinner you can play with games that have up/down controls only to select certain modes such as Pop'Pop

Only thing is that with some games the faster you spin, the slower it moves but if you have a 4 gear taito spinner it is not a big problem

In my opinion the games which totally improves the experience are trash rally, puzzle bobble thunder and lighting 1 and 2 and play girls ( these are really bullshit with a joystick)

In addition you can play puzz loop without having to change option to knob and finding the pinout of the custom connector, or block block with joystick romset
i am using this fabulous adapter since many years with a Ghox spinner ( with up and down switch embedded) and it works great with a lot of games.
All games which have L and R control works great but if you have a ghox spinner you can play with games that have up/down controls only to select certain modes such as Pop'Pop

Only thing is that with some games the faster you spin, the slower it moves but if you have a 4 gear taito spinner it is not a big problem

In my opinion the games which totally improves the experience are trash rally, puzzle bobble thunder and lighting 1 and 2 and play girls ( these are really bullshit with a joystick)

In addition you can play puzz loop without having to change option to knob and finding the pinout of the custom connector, or block block with joystick romset
And an other big game , Taito Cameltry , really fun with spinner :P
Just got one of Brizzo's boards and it works like a charm.

Beautiful work man. Really slick. Thank you.

Holler if you get that Ultimarc conversion board working ;)
Hmmm... thanks to FrancoB I now have an arkanoid PCB - I discovered this thread looking for spinners of course.
So yeah, hmm... to hunt down an original spinner or to use an Ultimarc with a conversion board.. and then either way to get games like Puzzle Bobble playing on it.. hmm.. hmmm.. too many toys, too little cash.
Someone knows if it could be possible to find the board to play Eco fighter with the spinner controls?
Or if this great board made by Brizzo, will work the same manner in the original pcb of Eco Fighters?
I would like to have a cab with Lost World and Eco Fighters.
I believe that it is possible to use the spinner with the adapter but you have to modify it because eco fighter use button 1 and 3 to rotate the pod