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Nov 14, 2015
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How much are these selling for now?

I think most if not all PCBs have Art, 2 are full boxed kits, I think Akai & Pink Sweets

DoDonPachi DOJ w/ Metal Cage
Ketsui w/ Metal Cage
Dangun Feveron
Espgaluda w/Metal Cage
Espgaluda II
Pink Sweets
Mushihime-Sama Futari BL
Muchi Muchi Pork!
Akai Katana
IGS - DDPII BeeStorm
Puzzle Uo Poko

Still want to get:

Progear (Legit)
Ibara Kuro

Those extra 4-5 boards would complete my want to own Cave games, but oh well

I had a few of the boards Im missing but traded/sold them to other peeps on here so they could complete their collections. So yeah still missing a few things I would like to have. For whatever reason the Deathsmiles games have never really attracted me so never bothered to get any version of them.

I might sell or trade these in the future.
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Check Arcade Otaku, guys go crazy there with Wanted adds, especially Jan :P
HOTTTTTT.. I wish I had those.. I would put a hugggggge for sale sign if I did:)
Esprade is on my wanted list... I've been kicking myself for not picking one up for $500 on eBay earlier this year.

Didn't you just sell one of these?
Check Arcade Otaku, guys go crazy there with Wanted adds, especially Jan :P
Jan likes to make the lowest offer/trade.But he does go crazy for stuff no one really has or would sell.
Yeah he makes crazy offers for some stuff, €7500 or something for a Akai Katana home kit
€7700 for Akai Katana Home Limited Edition Full Kit, lol, yeah thats not gonna happen. IIRC It was some crazy thing like only a couple kits were ever issued or something like. I dont really follow the crazy happenings of Cave game revisions, kits, limited, only seen once, etc..., I just like to play shmups though I suck at them :)
DOJ is still sitting around $500. A few have sold on shmups in the past couple months.

And there was a guy offering over 10k for an Akai Katana Home kit on shmups for a while, and I think 13 is the production number everyone has been throwing around.
DOJ is still sitting around $500. A few have sold on shmups in the past couple months.

And there was a guy offering over 10k for an Akai Katana Home kit on shmups for a while, and I think 13 is the production number everyone has been throwing around.
Probably Jan :) offering $10K

Yup, DOJ is probably the lowest cost Cave game to get into, that seems to be somewhat readily sold/traded.
Yup, DOJ is probably the lowest cost Cave game to get into, that seems to be somewhat readily sold/traded.
I am looking to get into DOJ, just can't figure out if I should be hunting the pgm2 tamashii version or the old pcb. Not sure if I have any trade items you'd want but you could take a look at my list in my sig!
can't figure out if I should be hunting the pgm2 tamashii version or the old pcb
The old PCB is one of the PGM1 based games isn't it?

I know the Tamashii version has an easier difficulty level available, not sure what else is different.
Yup, DOJ is probably the lowest cost Cave game to get into, that seems to be somewhat readily sold/traded.
I am looking to get into DOJ, just can't figure out if I should be hunting the pgm2 tamashii version or the old pcb. Not sure if I have any trade items you'd want but you could take a look at my list in my sig!
You got some good stuff, but nothing that jumps out at me except for Batsugun.

And man, I couldnt see myself filling out that profile pcb list, unless it has some sort of check off list to select games or something of the like, lol.
The old PCB is one of the PGM1 based games isn't it?
I think so, but it could be a while before a PGM multi. Maybe I'll give a conversion a shot but I haven't sourced any carts. AMB has black label on a cart. I sort of like the notion of an easy mode honestly...

And man, I couldnt see myself filling out that profile pcb list, unless it has some sort of check off list to select games or something of the like, lol.
I didn't do it all at once, just started keeping track one by one in 2016. You only need to fill out the title, "board only" and hit save, really. The UI is not bad, I usually just do it from my phone when I'm in transit. The rest are notes I made over time.
[FS] Progear CPS2 (Phoenix)

Does Phoenix mean it’s not original?
Legit ones use sims afaik.

Legit Progear PCB.JPG