Recent content by Miky

  1. Miky

    Wells Gardner required?

    Hi, recently got a Dotronix DSV25 25" monitor with the tube being a RCA a63adt10x05. If i were to pull the tube and board and stick it into a NEO GEO MV1-FZ. Would the picture be compatible? Or would i need to get a Wells Gardner chassis for proper display?
  2. Miky

    WTB: MV1C with UNIBIOS

    Thanks, i picked one up. Is it as simple as desoldering and replacing? No bells or whistles?
  3. Miky

    WTB: MV1C with UNIBIOS

    Thanks, i did post in WTB thread. I was trying to delete this one but the site wasn't letting me.
  4. Miky


    Looking for either a MV1C already modded with UNIBIOS or Kit to install UNIBIOS to MV1C board. my MV1C bIOS died during gameplay on SUPERGUN.
  5. Miky

    WTB: MV1C with UNIBIOS

    Looking for either a MV1C already modded with UNIBIOS or Kit to install UNIBIOS to MV1C board. my MV1C bIOS died during gameplay on SUPERGUN.
  6. Miky

    Alternate CRT options for MVS chassis MVS 25-4 "Big Red"?

    My Big red cabinet has a LCD screen outputting via upscaler. I would like to change it out to a CRT monitor for a more authentic feel. A 25 inch monitor is difficult to find locally. Is there any consumer model TV that would be useful as an alternative? I heard a 24 inch might work but should...
  7. Miky

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Will i still be able to have uncensored options on the US roms? Like blood and such? If i switch them back to SNK bios?
  8. Miky

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    At this point, i hope so. Unless someone from the team has something for us. Ah well. Might as well wait. I really dont wanna spend fortunes on carts.... maybe sengoku 3.
  9. Miky

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    You had it switched to mono right? Maybe the darksoft just doesnt like this board. Shame since i dig the volume sliders
  10. Miky

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Somebody I asked here theorized that it's in the headphones jack to get the stereo out. But lemme know how it goes.
  11. Miky

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Jamma runs it in mono. Try turning your switch to mono and see if it persists. I really wanna keep the stereo tho.
  12. Miky

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    MV-1. Yeah i dunno. I fixed up the electric tape down there and resoldered the wires. I heard that maybe the Power supply could be the source of the issue. But nothing yet.
  13. Miky

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Does anyone have sound issues on their Darksoft cart? Every time i attempt to play Metal Slug and a couple of other games like Fatal fury special and kabuki klash. the sound will cut out on the third stage and only soft rebooting restores it. This doesn't happen on every game. I played...
  14. Miky

    Good speakers for Sega Ringedge 2?

    As title says, im looking for some PC speakers to use on my ringedge 2.
  15. Miky

    Neo Geo Cabinet sound issue?

    The wires from the speakers on positive are going to the headphones socket. There is this black/red wire that i think is is sound on Jamma.