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For Sale
Stuff going quick.

Sold sf2ww, magical drop, mv1c. Open to offers on what’s left.

Maybe reloading a couple more odds & ends soon...

I have a pcb-only Esplgaluda 2, opening it up for trades right now. Ideally someone is bored of their Aka&blue, though I'm not holding my breath! I've upgraded it to the latest revision, which does seem to be pretty rare out in the field. (2005/11/14.MASTER VER.) <--with the extra dot after "VER"
Hot Gimmick sold! Dragoon Might sold! We’re on a roll! Discount time

All that’s left is:
Dragoon Might - 450 400
Martial Champion - 275 250 - brand new sound module
Atomiswave - 110 100 - pretty clean, but original fan (can include neowave without a shell for +10)

Trade espgaluda2

I’m like 50/50 about this jammix and Jasens case I just uncovered. If anyone wants it all for cost drop me a line. Otherwise maybe I’ll try to hunt down another DE-10 nano.
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Got my Dragon, Dragoon? Might PCB today, excellent communication (as always), great shipping (as always) and great member to deal with on the forums. I'm giving @ekorz my patented dinosaur seal of approval. Thank you!
dinosaur seal
Have a Korean Kaneko Supernova that I thought had issues for the longest time since it wouldn’t play with my Sengeki conversion. Found out today that Sengeki does a check on its own, so the superbios doesn’t solve the problem.

Anyway the motherboard is fine. I have another one so I don’t need this one. It comes with a non-working gals panic cart that I took 2 screws from, a Japan modbios, and the original bios.

If you want to run Sengeki you’ll need darksofts new patch for it that I assume he will release soon

$150 shipped USA
Bump. The Espgaluda 2 is for sale at $1400 shipped in the USA. International for +30. Just the bare pcb. Not a bootleg! I can even send you the receipt from tops as provenance!! ;)

Pics on request
If only this was a conversion PCB at 2x the price... then I still wouldn't buy it!

This is a great game and great seller, GLWS! :P
Buy my martial champion. Half the price and less than half as good!

Thought about it..I actually own a little capsule toy of Rachel from it. Why they thought that was a good choice for the “Konami gals”, we’ll never know.
Supernova sold $120 shipped.
Bump on the others!