
  1. NFGx

    Rust removal from Naomi Universal - best approach?

    I've got rust on my NUC cabinet base, and I'm wondering if the best plan is to disassemble the entire base, or paint it in one piece. It's got the usual rust in corners and doors & surrounds, and it seems like pulling it apart would make that easier. But, the rivets gotta come out. No search...
  2. I

    WTB Sega Blast City Control Panel Overlay

    Hi All! Long time lurker here. I was finally able to purchase a Sega Blast City a couple of weeks ago and am looking for parts in order to start restoring it. One item that's been slightly baffling is the control panel overlap. No insult to the ones sold and produced at the moment but there...
  3. OM3GA

    Looking for Joy-Ro 21 marquee and art scans...

    Hello everyone. I recently joined this forum, and I am currently at the process of restoring a Mini Touch cabinet to a Joy-Ro 21. According to this page ( and this page (, the Mini Touch seems to be a clone...
  4. DrAlves

    [Restoration] Megatouch Maxx Upright - Green

  5. Softdrink

    Softdrink's New Astro City Restore Log

    I've always loved these cab maintenance and restoration logs, so I figured it was my turn to contribute a bit! I've already done quite a bit of work on the cabinet and will be sort of 'backfilling' this thread with progress shots until it catches up to the present; here are a couple (potato)...