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Sep 29, 2022
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I've got rust on my NUC cabinet base, and I'm wondering if the best plan is to disassemble the entire base, or paint it in one piece. It's got the usual rust in corners and doors & surrounds, and it seems like pulling it apart would make that easier. But, the rivets gotta come out.

No search engine works worth a damn anymore, so I was unable to find anything about this, no one has ever drilled out a rivet, apparently. 🙄

But I know people have restored these things. So, what'd you do? As-is or rivets-out?
1/8th or 3.5mm drill bit is a standard size to drill rivets out.
Thanks, that's good info.

The question, though, was perhaps not very clear: does anyone drill the rivets out for this job? Is it a good idea? Or should I just grind, fill and paint as-is?
Which rivets? - Photos please!

A NUC can be completly disassambled (screws)


I think i understand now: You really mean the base which has rivets. - I would just sand it down (i used a multitool for that purpose) and repaint.
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Disassemble completly without removing the rivets (remove sidepanels, remove coin door). Sand it, repaint.

If you really enjoy adding more work you can drill out the rivets and replace those. - I wouldn't.

I have repainted two NUCs - one had a lot of rust.
Whew, that's what I wanted to hear. Thanks for the advice.
  • grind in a space where you are okay with fine dust -everywhere- (use a mask!)
  • I bought a cordless multitool with an grinding attachment. That helped me a lot! (manual grinding takes ages)
  • I would use mate paint, glossy can be tricky
  • Don't expect perfect paint if you haven't done it before. Don't overpaint, use multiple layers, let each layer dry. Take your time!
  • I only grinded the rusty parts and used filling on the grinded parts - If i would redo it i would grind EVERYTHING down (sure takes more time and work) but you get a better coating
I attached some random photos of my last rust-removal work.
