
  1. NFGx

    Rust removal from Naomi Universal - best approach?

    I've got rust on my NUC cabinet base, and I'm wondering if the best plan is to disassemble the entire base, or paint it in one piece. It's got the usual rust in corners and doors & surrounds, and it seems like pulling it apart would make that easier. But, the rivets gotta come out. No search...
  2. tDRG

    Blast City Bottom Panel Rust Removal

    The bottom panel on my Blast City has a couple pretty substantial rust spots that I'd like to clean up. I got some of the gunkier stuff off with a little steel wool, but the bigger spots need something more powerful. Any suggestions? The kick plate isn't rusty, but I plan to polish it with some...
  3. Softdrink

    Softdrink Restores Candy Cab Stools

    As part of the process of restoring my New Astro City, I also wanted to take some time to work on the two stools I've been using for the last few years. Both were in rough but serviceable shape and in need of some cleanup and restoration. So far I've spent about a day on the process and finished...