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Aug 24, 2015
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Hello Team,

I have an Astro City with a burn in monitor.

Thus, I am looking for nice nanao monitor.
I honestly dont think its possible to find a "burn free" nanao. They're either all in the hands of collectors or got destroyed by people trying to ship them.
I think most people just deal with the burn considering how these machines have lived their life thus far. It's almost like it's patina.

If it is something you just cant live with, you could explore the dark art of tube swapping. But finding a compatible consumer tube for these can require a lot of time and patience. Additionally there is a risk of damaging yourself or the electronics of the chassis.
Thank you for your help and advice.

I’ll take some pictures. Whenever you have the naomi white screen, you see the capcom vs marvel burn in.
I have some with minor burn from Crisis Zone. $400 b/c if they dont sell, I'll use them in my CGA Time Crisis cabinets when the monitors in them burn out.
Thank you for your help and advice.

I’ll take some pictures. Whenever you have the naomi white screen, you see the capcom vs marvel burn in.
And when you're not on a white screen, which is basically never aside from booting a game? If it's fine then I wouldn't spend time worrying about it. You'll spend $400 buying some other used monitor that won't be perfect on a white screen either.

This is why most people don't obsess over it.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. It’s my first cab and I get it now. Before I wanted to restore everything such as painting over the imperfections. But now I am fine with the Astro have a few scratches here and there.
It’s my first cab and I get it now.
We’ve all been there. My first cab I was trying this and that. Upgraded the speakers etc.

Now I have 8 going all at the same time with a room full of people talking and the last thing I’m worried about is some subtle sound upgrade.

I leave all the battle scars on the bodies and just throw clean panels (usually single player) and new controls on.

My advice is find your happiness level and enjoy it. Restored, original, some mix in between, playing them is fun either way.
We’ve all been there. My first cab I was trying this and that. Upgraded the speakers etc.

Now I have 8 going all at the same time with a room full of people talking and the last thing I’m worried about is some subtle sound upgrade.

I leave all the battle scars on the bodies and just throw clean panels (usually single player) and new controls on.

My advice is find your happiness level and enjoy it. Restored, original, some mix in between, playing them is fun either way.
Thank you for enlightening me.