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The root of this entire scam is dependent on users making payments using PayPal F&F. Full stop, this is the issue.

Second to that is using weak or reused passwords. 2FA is great, but as many of you who enabled it will have noticed there is no barrier to setting it up for your account. 2FA enhances login security with passwords, but it doesn't stop another common hacking technique which is cookie hijacking or cross site scripting (XSS), albeit this is less common and relies on malware or exploits. What I mean by there is no barrier, if we add a badge to indicate "secure account" or marketplace only for those with 2FA, doesn't create enhanced security for transactions.

At this time, given the limited and isolated nature of this event there is not a compelling reason to implement custom features or changes to the back end of the forum software.

The reason we have been hesitant to implement marketplace feedback system, isn't due to cost or subscriptions, but the moderation workload it creates around disputes... But we agreed that we will review this again this coming weekend.
A lot of complex ideas floating around here...

Pay via G&S would really solve all of them though.

If you're going to take a gamble on F&F, at least ask for a phone number and call the member. Might not block all scams, but it could lower the chances, and if the number goes to a real scammer, you can at least have a point of tracking them down later. That being said, I have no idea how hard it is to fake phone numbers with the correct area code now a days.
Joko re-open. Shipping from Japan size 60 box Yamato Express is 3700 yen plus 300 yen packing materials and 3000 yen service fee. Popcorn 100 yen.

So the hacker got away with at least 3k of known unwary punters cash? Not to mention those that did not post anything? Raizing for less than 1k should have sent more red flags up than a football match. First thing that came to my mind was it was a necrobump, second was this some kinda joke, third it cant be real, is he on crack?? My consoldence for those that lost money.. . Was a good scam and in such a niche, harmless and fun loving community too.. hope the feds track down the payment 🙏 cos in the uk you get
10 years if caught.
The root of this entire scam is dependent on users making payments using PayPal F&F. Full stop, this is the issue.
yup on collectorsedition.org I've had this marketplace rule in place since 2011

If you Accept PayPal do not require that people pay you with the "gift" (aka "family & friends") option, and do not instruct people to add additional funds for fees.

F&F has become the defacto standard for the arcade community though.
I for one can't afford to not take F&F. Especially with the new law. I'm happy to take it as G&S plus fees if a buyer wants but a $600 threshold is total crazy since it has been $20k for so long. That's a huge change. At the end of the year you will receive a 1099 with all of your G&S sales over $600 but F&F isn't included.

I believe that I and many others here have earned the privilege of asking for F&F with our reputations. We won't REQUIRE sellers to accept payment as G&S but the buyer can definitely refuse to use F&F and pass on the purchase. If we were to require G&S then the feedback we have received in messages says the marketplace will dry up.

Be a smart shopper. If you are suspicious of whether or not an account had been compromised you can ask a mod to check the account.

Capital gains on collectibles can be taxed at a rate of UP TO 28% if the IRS believes you meet the conditions. If you don't have the receipt, expect the IRS to assume you owned it for over a year and expect a large percentage of the sale to be considered a capital gain. If you don't have a receipt the item will have to be appraised or a comp (similar item value) will be used to determine the price that will be subtracted from your sale price. Does everyone have detailed PayPal statements for every board they purchased over the years? I don't think things such as "AP, username, CPS2" on the notes section are going to cut it on the forms. Not so sure a "retro arcade game appraiser" is a guy you can find very easily, so most likely a comp will have to be used. You can bet your ass the lowest number possible for a comp will be used for calculation if whatever you provide gets doubted.

As I said before in a previous post, I do agree that G&S is a great way to protect the buyer, but there are still many ways buyers can take advantage of a seller using G&S. This new tax rule adds an even bigger incentive to avoid it as a seller. 28% is certainly not peanuts that can easily be "bUiLT iNTo ThE cOST" unless we are all cool with this hobby becoming even more expensive than it already has. A large percentage of the English language-using market for this hobby resides in the US. It would be silly to assume that higher prices in the US won't affect other regions.

Please see the link below for more info on the taxing of collectibles:


Edit: for those that aren't aware, PayPal will be turning over your info to the IRS automatically. This isn't a "if I don't report it then I'll be cool" thing...
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I’m hoping he’s fine here, but the mighty @Semload (the bloke who makes the expensive but very cool PCB cases) has been hacked over on AO.

Currently spamming ads for some dating app…
No unusual activity. Hasn't been here since Jan 23. I went ahead and send a password reset just to be safe.
I for one can't afford to not take F&F. Especially with the new law. I'm happy to take it as G&S plus fees if a buyer wants but a $600 threshold is total crazy since it has been $20k for so long. That's a huge change. At the end of the year you will receive a 1099 with all of your G&S sales over $600 but F&F isn't included.

I believe that I and many others here have earned the privilege of asking for F&F with our reputations. We won't REQUIRE sellers to accept payment as G&S but the buyer can definitely refuse to use F&F and pass on the purchase. If we were to require G&S then the feedback we have received in messages says the marketplace will dry up.

Be a smart shopper. If you are suspicious of whether or not an account had been compromised you can ask a mod to check the account.
I understand this but it seems to be what the scammers are relying on also,People trading on reputation why hack someones sales thread otherwise.
Sometimes with the sums involved it just makes since to insist on G&S for buyer and seller but it should be on a case by case and if they are comfortable.
I believe that I and many others here have earned the privilege of asking for F&F with our reputations.
That's the root problem of the recent scam. the people who's accounts were compromised were long standing members with a solid history/track record. Had it been brand new accounts with no post history they would not have been nearly as successful.
That's the root problem of the recent scam. the people who's accounts were compromised were long standing members with a solid history/track record. Had it been brand new accounts with no post history they would not have been nearly as successful.
Very true.
That's the root problem of the recent scam. the people who's accounts were compromised were long standing members with a solid history/track record. Had it been brand new accounts with no post history they would not have been nearly as successful.
It's also one of those things that makes all of this even more upsetting to read as it took advantage of the honesty a community like this is built on :(
Right now, there is a futari for sale on here and wants F&F. I would be buying it right now except I am too scared to EVER use F&F except for people I know and have done business with previously. Scary crap out there man.