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Mar 11, 2020
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United States
[UPDATE 12/11/20] SOLD! Analogue Nt Mini Noir

Complete and mint in original box with all original contents

$500 + Shipping (or trade for previous Analogue Nt mini CIB)



(Yes, I'm one of those crazy people who "cuts around the shrink wrap" lol ;) )

Hello everyone!

I recently received my Analogue Nt Mini Noir, and although I am a big fan of the Super Nt and Mega Sg, I have decided the Nt Mini Noir is just not for me. I'm looking to sell mine for what I spent. I'm also willing to trade for the previous revision of the Nt Mini, as I owned it a long time ago and really liked it before aftermarket prices went crazy and I decided to sell mine.

Oh, and to avoid any potential international shipping complications/delays/tariffs/etc, I am only willing to ship within the United States.

In the spirit of transparency and for anybody unaware, the Nt Mini Noir has had a few revisions from the previous Nt Mini, and not all for the better. So, I am going to list out some of the positives and negatives I've encountered or been made aware of:

:thumbdown: LOOSE CARTRIDGE SLOT for NES games - although Analogue claims they have improved the cartridge slot, it's loose AF and really makes the console feel like a cheap clone, despite the otherwise solid build quality, weight and finish of the console. And it's true - if the cartridge or console gets bumped, it will usually crash your game, and I've heard reports online that you can lose your battery-backed save files too or have them corrupted, though I haven't tested it first hand. It is worth mentioning that I don't have any of these issues with the Famicom slot - my Famicom carts fit nicely and don't feel loose, those this may be in part due to the more compact size of the Famicom carts. UPDATE: I've been told that Greg Collins (LaserBear.net) is looking into a 3D printed solution to this issue, but as of right now, there is no known "fix" to this issue, though some users say using a Game Genie as a passthrough device can stabilize the cartridge.

:thumbdown: LOOSE CONTROLLER PORTS for original controllers - the controller ports work fine for the 8bitdo receivers, and I've heard some aftermarket controllers fit nice n' snug, but all my original controllers INCLUDING THE NES ZAPPER practically fall out of the hole with the slightest tug or motion on the cord. Light gun games are practically unplayable for me with the cord waving around, but as long as I'm sitting stationary with an original NES controller, it seems to be all right.

?( FDS ISSUES?? - There was some talk on Twitter regarding compatibility with FDS games, I believe when using an official FDS RAM adapter. You can get it working using "buffered mode" but it adds a frame of lag; apparently the original Nt Mini did not have this issue

:thumbsup: NEW JAILBREAK FIRMWARE - Allows the use of all the same cores as the previous Nt Mini along with some new ones like a Genesis core

:thumbup: DUAL OUTPUT - You can simultaneously output via HDMI and analog video, or use the Analogue DAC to do dual analog out

:thumbup: COPYNES MINI - For dumping carts & saves

Again, I don't mean to dissuade anyone from buying it - I want it to sell! - but I want to be upfront that these are known issues with the console, so please do your research beforehand if you plan on buying, maybe watch a couple Youtube reviews to see if the pros outweigh the cons. I think as an FPGA device using 8bitdo controllers, it's awesome for the jailbreak and looks great both over HDMI and on an original CRT! It just may not be the best option for those who prefer to play using original cartridges and controllers.

Feel free to reply with any questions you may have regarding the console itself or sale/shipping info, but PLEASE don't turn this into a Analogue bashing thread about their sales tactics, preorder practices, etc. I think most users here are already familiar with that can of worms and I think we're all better off without that drama in my humble FS thread :P Thank you ^^

Useful Links:

Analogue's official Nt Mini Noir product page
Analogue's Nt Mini Noir FAQ which gives their "official statement" on the redesigned cartridge slot
Analogue Nt mini User Manual
SmokeMonster's Jailbreak Firmware

Thanks for looking! :)
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