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Jun 1, 2018
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Recently got one of these and it has issues. Games reset after less than a minute of gameplay or lock up. Opened it up and I don’t see any obvious issue. Anyway it’s kind of fun to see what components were used. I’m not sure what all the little wires are doing. I’m guessing you guys probably understand what all is going on here to consolize this thing. Anyone spot anything that looks like it could point to my problem? I’ll take more pictures tonight. Let me know if more detail in a particular area would help. I’ll prob end up sending it back for repair.


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The Omega is just a consolized 1FC with a integrated memory card.
I can't think of any reason why it should be rebooting/resetting mid-gameplay with the multi cart.

Do you experience this with real/legit MVS carts as well?
Have you cleared the NVRAM/Memory card save files via the hardware cross-hatch hardware test screen?
Didn’t know it has a built in memory card. It resets or freezes with almost all my real mvs carts.

How do I do the nvram/memory card reset?
oh and when I tried it wit the multi it was hit or miss but vast majority miss. I think I just found one or two games that worked.
Here's the insides of my Omega. Yours seems to have extra repairs and modifications that mine does not. Maybe you could source a clean MV1C board and swap it in? Or contact Quan at ArcadeWorks and see if he'll swap you out.

To clear the NVRAM, power it on with no cart installed and you will be at the crosshatch screen. Keep pressing Start until you get to the "Clear backup ram" screen. It will say press A+B+C to clear RAM. Press all 3 at the same time and once you let go it should go to the next menu. Then press Start until you get back to the crosshatch screen, and power off.
Yeah I’m in contact with them and sent pictures. I’m sure they will make it right since I just bought the thing. I ordered a few cheap mvs boards off eBay to play with on my own and use with my supergun setup.
use with my supergun setup
If you've already got a supergun setup... The Omega was a waste of money no? ?(
I mean the shell is pretty but, it's just a compact supergun and a (really poor quality) NTSC encoder inside.
I get better quality with my HAS+OSSC FACT.
Yeah I ordered it before I really delved deeper into superguns. But I’m fine with owning one if it works. Since I ordered it I shoved 2 mk boards into a pc case with a retroelectronik board and switcher and got another supergun so I know a lot more now. I’ve wasted all sorts of cash on video game stuff and lately tools, parts, wire, and all sorts of other things to make my own stuff and repair things. I’m starting to enjoy the ins and outs of learning how this stuff works as much as the games themselves.
What sort of power supplies do these come with? If you have a multimeter, you might want to check your +5V voltage.
Hey @Geddon , I know this is an old thread but I've been having similar reset issues with my Omega for a while now. Did you end up getting your issue fixed?

It seems like the PSU is easy to swap out on the Omega, but not sure if that's necessarily what's causing the reset issue.
I returned the thing for a refund. Ended up just using a supergun setup instead.
Ah gotcha, probably a good call. Now that I have an HAS I'm considering the same and getting a 1 slot mobo, but tbh I really like the design of the Omega and figure if it's an easy fix might as well keep it.

It seems like the reset issue is common for the Omega, yet I'm not seeing any definitive fixes for it online..
Reach out to Quan at ArcadeWorks - I know that he'll still help people with them even if they're out of warranty.

That said, if you want to work on it yourself, I suggest leaving the power supply alone and trying a different MV1C board instead.
Honestly the customer service experience with Quan was not great for me in the past, plus orders and repairs take way too long to process (in my experience and from other posts I've seen). So I'd rather fix it myself or have someone else take a look at it.

Since the MV1C board would still need to be modded with stereo out and the UNIBIOS I might as well just have someone look into repairing the Omega itself. I should really start learning how to solder.. X/
Just swap in a fully working MV1C, his design allows easy swaps.

If you are getting random resets, check the 5v level, make sure it’s at 5.00v

If it’s at 5.00v then it might be a RAM problem. Most likely fast VRAM which isn’t good as that RAM is internal to the GRZ, so you’d have to swap on a new GRZ from another MV1C.

Of course, this is just speculation which is why I suggest just swapping in a new board.
Wouldn't I still need to desolder the original BIOS if I want to use a UNIBIOS and do a stereo mod on a stock MV1C board?

He actually offered to repair it for free (I just had to cover shipping) even though this was purchased in 2016, so I just went ahead and shipped it off this week. Cost of shipping is less than a working MV1C board even if it's a simple drop in replacement.

He did mention it's likely a RAM issue...something I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable fixing.