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Aug 27, 2019
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Hello everyone,

Not sure if I post in the right section, if not, let me know so I can correct it.

I am currently restoring an Aero City cab and am planning to add an ashtray holder.
I already found the arm, but I am still looking for the piece to hold it and fix it to the control box.

Here are some photos of the part in question :

I have searched on the web, but not knowing the exact name of the gizmo, I didn't find anything yet.

So, if anyone would have a spare to sell ; knows a place where I could find one or can give me the correct name of that part, please let me know ^^

Thank you for your time,

And stay safe folks !
He already has the arm, he mentioned that. @spacejockey, did you get the one from Gate Ninety? Not to be a debbie downer, but that arm is wrong for an Aero. The part in your pic is wrong too.

Aero should have a holder that looks like this:


(well, rust excluded)

I had no idea people wanted these. I threw a bunch of them in the trash. They all looked like the above (or worse), so would have needed acid baths.
Ha ha, Nice pun PlayYing XD
And yeah I got it from gate ninety, only realised they don't sell the gizmo with the arm after paying for the thing

Hello nem !
Yeah... did a search for an aero one, but even less luck than with the SNK ones. DIdn't even found a photo as reference.

So sad to hear you had a bunch of those and threw them out, I would have gladly offer you something for it.
If anyone around here has one left for sell, I might be interested in buying it.

Here is a photo of the hole under my aero where I think one was installed :

It looks like it fits exactly with the snk one. I would just have to install it with the flat side from inside the control panel.
I am interested in the attachment part for SNK cabinets if anyone has a lead on them

Ha ha ! Same here, buddy, but so far ... no luck.
Hope someone will find a bunch of those, or start creating some.
I think a lot of people out there would be interested.
It's October...perfect time to dig out some old buried threads :D

While I am still looking for an original bolt thingy for the arm, I found a temporary solution so could use gateninety ashtray holders on my aero.

I bought these in a hobby shop online but I have no idea what is its name in English (sorry folks)

In French they call it "bague de serrage aluminium de 6mm" that i can roughly translate as "tightening aluminum ring of 6 millimeters".

Apparently they use those parts on remote controlled cars to hold the wheels in place.

It's not perfect, but it does the job for now.
Here is how it looks like on my Aero (I used big washers so it doesn't mark the paint when turning).

Views from the outside and the inside of the panel box :

If it can be of assistance to someone someday...

Take care y'all !
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