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Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score
Washington DC
So I just bought an Asura Blade from @sheep_nova and this one took a small beating in the mail (DHL again!). That being said, despite the jostling it took, I cleaned and re-seated what I could, but I'm getting a few issues. One is a chip near the am is getting warm, not hot to the touch, but warm. Second is the sound is a slight bit scratchy. Not a big deal, looks like the original caps, so probably needs a re-cap. The major issue I'm having is certain characters, not all of them, but certain ones when selected have sprite priority issues with the health bar and dialog boxes, while the power meter is completely missing. Other characters seem to work fine. This happens regardless of if it's the CPU playing the characters or a human. It's about 1/2 of the character exhibiting this problem.

Any thoughts or ideas where I can check on the board? What I thought was some rust seems to be old flux which I clean up. Overall the board looks clean, no busted traces that the eye can see, however the customs look like they could be re-touched, maybe that's the problem?

You can clearly see the word Fight, To Arms, and the power meter

Here the power meter is missing and the other UI elements are under the background
Bump. Any ideas anyone?

Maybe I need to dig into MAME a bit? Any tutorials out there on how to mess with MAME to test RAM or customs chips? Maybe try to re-create in MAME so I can figure out which chip might be bad on the board? Since it's half the characters, it might be easy to narrow down.