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Awesome - I cannot wait to do some testing with my Raspberry Pi and pcb I designed that should arrive today
It has arrived


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Plugged it into my RPi with USB1 using micro USB to USB - Pi does not seem to see it


I did a ls -l /dev/* with it plugged in and unplugged and it looks like this would be it

crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Apr 28 15:12 /dev/ttyACM0

That look right?
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That might be it, just run screen /dev/ttyACM0 and hit enter and see ;) dmesg normally prints out things when Linux finds a standard USB class device.

To answer the questions, USB0 is high speed indeed (480Mbps) and USB1 is full speed (12Mbps). SD is pretty fast but USB seemed to be faster, but I've only ever tested with a random cross section of memory (e.g. not specifically seeking out fast or slow ones).

I'm probably going to move away from the USB stack that NXP provide (which is the same one as used on some USB host Arduinos, I think), as it's causing a lot of minor issues (mostly it'll deadlock waiting for registers and things, usually USB3 devices cause it) by writing my own USB stack, so I'm hoping that'll also improve USB performance too.
Yea it worked
I can list the USB directory just fine
I am using a USB 3 flash drive so I am wondering if I will have issues
Hi @electric_monk - i have a first gen ODE (no mounting holes), and had an issue on my 256 when I had the molex powering the ODE AND had it connected up to a Rpi (blade's multi). It blew a fuse on the 256 somewhere so no 5v anymore coming from the molex.

During my testing - having the ODE powered off the 256 motherboard and my Rpi powered off a wall wart - everything was fine.

When I tried to take power off the molex and power BOTH the ODE and the Rpi - thats when I blew a fuse (or something) - but other than the molex not having 5v, the 256 motherboard and everything else seems to work fine.

I then realized that the ODE can be powered via the Rpi usb connection, so no need to plug in the molex at all.

Can you comment on this behaviour? I know Blade has a newer rev of the board and he has both the molex plugged in and the Rpi connection powered from the motherboard and/or molex with no issue.


Hey, sorry for the late reply. That does sound weird. The ODE can be powered by any combination, all three power inputs (Molex, USB0 and USB1) have power diodes to ensure that the 5V input into one port doesn't backfeed into the other ports and create any overcurrent situations, so the combination of ODE powered from Molex and plugged into Pi simultaneously should be fine.

Did you both have the same Pis? Some Pis only consume 200mA or so, and some require 600mA just bareboard, and that combined with any USB peripherals like flash sticks could exceed the power output supported by the 2x6 (which was only meant for powering the logic in a physical disk drive, at a few hundred milliamps). A weird Molex-based solution might be to get a 12V to 5V DC to DC convertor and run it off the Molex's 12V pin, as it's much higher current, having been intended to run all the electromechanical parts in the drive like servos and motors.

My only concern with running the Pi/ODE from a wallwart and the 2x6 from somewhere else would be the potential for ground loops, but hopefully that's just paranoia.
Well - to be honest, after I burned out the 5v rail on 2 of my 256's I stopped testing - lol. I pulled 5v from the bottom of the board and power the ODE from the Rpi - so the molex isn't needed, and it works totally fine.

any 3D solutions for the newest version of the IDE simulator?
Yes, apologies about that - I rearranged the position of the IDE connector (and a few of the larger electronics) to make space for the screwholes, and in doing so made it incompatible with the old models. I hoped people would be okay with gaining the screwholes over losing the compatibility, but the other issue is that I made those models in Fusion360 and don't have that anymore since Autodesk dumped their Startup plan, so I haven't figured out FreeCAD enough to make a new version yet!
yea but i dont have the pi adapter lcd :(
easy to order the parts and build. There are some folks on the thread also that have a few to sell.